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The ranger will join your group. Give them any new equipment you bought and check spellbooks. The Trolls are dangerous but that Kobold is a little bastard. If you followed my Linzi build, she will have a Perception of 21 at this point. Follow the path northwest and you will arrive at Sorrowflow. Look for an overturned boat where you will find a Dart +2. Otherwise You will be fighting Jazon, who is a Branded Troll, a second Troll, a Troll Rock Thrower who skulks at the back of the room doing what he does best and a bunch of Kobolds including a pair of shamans. Back on the world map, bring up the Kingdom Management screen (square button). What do you know? This will give Valerie a decent attack boost which she will need against his 29 AC. Return to the Old Beldame and give her the plants and berries that you've gathered for a reward. Head across the river and go west to find a couple of Kobold Sentinels fighting an uneven battle against a trio of Ferocious Wolves. Visit the throne room and learn from Kesten about the unusually high troll activity in the region. And that is why Regongar gets to kick his heels in the throne room in my playthroughs. Enjoy a traditional RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. You can now unlock the large doors. You have a number of options. Jhod tells you that Remus (the mad guy who told you where Tartuccio was in the first act) has been spreading fear among the people. Then you simply need to withstand Hargulka's melee assault - Mirror Image and Displacement are perhaps more useful than Shield and Barkskin here - while Ekundayo burns through his HP pool. I strongly recommend going for Loyalty 3 first because annexing Kamelands makes Silverstep available for annexing as well. Anyway, you are presented with a good / evil choice as to whether to hunt down the idiots who just tried to murder you. When you've dealt with them, you can find a Token of the Dryad in the bushes to the north. Buff up and head down to meet the trolls. To the side is a trapped (DC22) and locked (DC25) chest containing a unique heavy pick, Demolisher. Unlock the door to the north but don't charge in because there is a trap (DC20) on the floor. You have a choice. In the meantime, you may want to explore the Dire Narlmarches or venture into the first few levels of the Tenebrous Depths. At least two of those are subject to attacks of opportunity so they shouldn't give you much trouble. Head back to the world map. Since they come from all sides, the archers can really catch you on the hop. pathfinder: kingmaker bartholomew release troll Unwanted LegacyQuick save before examining the glowing rune on the back wall. Trollreaper is the first magical Greataxe you've found. When you enter you will be met by a lizardman named Kagar who mentions a "youngling". Buff up and head north. Question him and you will learn he is the Wilber named on the coins and that they are a curse. You may want to buy the Trapspringer's Gloves from Hassuf first. Defeat all enemies, and if Tig is saved, speak to him. Apologise to him. You will pass the Kobold Camp to your south which can give you a respectable XP reward for very little effort on your part. Put them on the altar to complete the quest and allow the ghost to finally rest in peace. This basically tells you when you need to pay attention to the place. You want to get Glitterdust on him so that he's slightly easier to hit. There's not really much to see there unless you have a thing for wyverns. By now, she should be capable of taking on the Ferocious Hodag since it's not that tough. You can interact with a tile at the top of the room to reveal a hidden area beyond. STR: 16, DEX: 20, CON: 14, INT: 10, WIS: 13, CHA: 10. There's a tough enemy encounter here but a nice weapon to grab as well. Send just one person through the gate at the top to trigger the two Ancient Will-o'-Wisps, otherwise you'll get bottlenecked. Levelling Loyalty up to rank 3 will allow you to annexe Kamelands while levelling up Community to rank 3 will allow you to claim North Narlmarches. Here is a secret: On the upper level, you can find two plates with images of the Sun and the Moon. You have a number of options but to progress the quest, you have to select "I think you should talk to Valerie alone". Go inside and head down to the basement. There is another group of Dire Boars further down - this is one dangerous village! After you've cleared the areas, backtrack to the fork and take the path leading southwest. They depict the creation of a phylactery for a lich and the lich slaughtering innocents. Harrim will express his contempt for the "traitor god". Backtrack to the main road and start cautiously making your way south. Inside the room, you'll find an Emerald in a locked chest (DC26) which you should hold onto if you don't already have one. As always when you spend some time on kingdom management, a bunch of things pop up demanding your attention so return to your Throne Room. Try visiting his house before he was in danger (Maybe that would solve it). Hug the left side of the path and climb up the hill to the left. Loot the enemies and grab some gold and gems from some nearby dead bodies. All that lies between you and escape are a pair of 2nd-level Ferocious Wolves. These aren't too bad by now. You can sell all the Masterwork crossbows that the Snipers dropped while you're at it. Start making your way back west across the area, disarming all the traps on your way. For Freedom of Movement, most characters should be able to use the Mace that Hargulka dropped. The two bodies in front of the tree only have minor loot. Go south to find 4 Ferocious Wolves. To the right of the tree is a location where you can climb the wall if you can make the DC22 Athletics check. If you read the quest description, Linzi will mention bringing a few potions of Invisibility. You will return to the Spirit Hut and Kagar will cast Glitterdust to reveal Shimmerglow. He also drops some decent loot. The Nature of the Beast - Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki He's not very tough and drops a Masterwork handaxe. Rather than fight them fairly, you can target them with missile weapons if you go south a short distance. Save your game and continue further into the throne room to find Hargulka accompanied by Tartuk. Continue round the corner and kill a Troll and two Trollhounds. Suggest to Rismel that he might be a bit bonkers. Among the Kobolds prioritise the Boomsayer and Sniper. Continue west and west again at the next junction and eventually you will arrive at the Dwarven Ruins. There are two more bas reliefs which are DC19 and DC27 to decipher. Later in the game, you will want to increase this reserve. There are a number of ways to even the odds. Ask about Trobold and you can question him about Tartuk and Hargulka. Just to the south of it is a hidden cache containing an Ancient Rostlandic Coin. You don't want to set them off, but just in case Do not attempt to clear the traps because you will aggro the Recaps. Head northwest and you will find Remus spouting nonsense to the assembled brainwashed. The time passed will probably trigger the next throne room event. Otherwise, he will simply disappear. There is a crate filled with minor loot out front and if you go round to the side, you will find the Hunter's Letter which makes for very interesting reading. Don't take these straight to Dorsy, however, since there may be a better option. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). If you have a pet Smilodon, you'll know that it has lots of attacks and the Smilodon-like Treant is no different. Be careful at the top. If you come here during the day. Head back to the path and as it curves around, turn to the northwest. If Harrim and Jubilost are not part of your current party, you may want to return to your capital to fetch them because they have quests that intersect with places that we are going to go to. Take out anyone who might pose an actual threat - there are a few higher level Fighters, Archers and Rogues and Ruthgert himself is a 5th-level Cleric. Be careful as you make your way down because there is a trap (DC22) at the bottom. Which is OK but hardly worth all that. Let the three Trollhounds and Branded Troll come to you before disarming it. Pathfinder Kingmaker: Magic Items List (Locations & Effects) (UPDATED Continue down. Alternatively, you can start following clues from Ivar's house. This will take you out of the sequence and give you another chance to quick-save. He will open up a little more. There are is a trap across a doorway (DC27 to spot and remove). Go inside the hut and speak to the child, Tig. Together with the clue from the bas relief ("using several natural elements"), you are supposed to figure out that you have to target the other pillars with cantrips: Doing so will open up a secret room behind. When Hargulka is dead, turn your attentions to Tartuk who is hopefully nauseated, blinded and paralysed. Search their knapsack to find a Bastard Sword +1. Go back to the previous room and go through the door to the west. Ekun's leads aren't very good so far. Your only lead for the time being is the witch's hut in South Narlmarches which you've doubtless passed several times already. Kill them and head south a short distance to find a hidden (DC25) and locked (DC19) cache containing a Cloak of Shadows. You can sell all the Masterwork weapon that you picked up in the Lonely Barrow to lighten your load. The Bronze Dwarven Key unlocks the final door. If you're wondering what to do with the fish you picked up outside the cave, return to where you spoke to Ivar. If you are able to make an Athletics check (DC24 - you can try multiple times but it will fatigue you), you will clear the rubble and create a second exit. Dimwit continues to attack Bartholomew, ignoring everything else. I would equip this on Octavia or Linzi, since you don't want to be attacked by someone who would actually benefit from the sneak damage. Sounds like a quest! Tell the Berserker that you wish to speak with their chieftain and you will be taken before him. The two containers near the doorway you came through hold minor loot. Back down the steps is the entrance to the keep. Harrim will punch the anvil, smashing it. Continue north from Maegar and search the crate for a unique necklace, The Heart of Ira. Around this time your emissary will hassle you about the trivial matter of Oleg's taxes - it seems that the rascal has neglected to pay them. If you are not able to cast the basic cantrips (acid splash, jolt and so forth) bring someone who can, such as Octavia. You will then have a bunch of possibilities to resolve the problem. When you get the box open - however you do it - a Dread Zombie Cyclops along with four Zombies and a Zombie Lord will be summoned. You will emerge in some sort of storage room. Head north from your capital and claim the Fruits and Berries resource (15 BP, +1 Loyalty). After you've killed them, you will see a bunch of hostile Lizardfolk fighting a smaller bunch of non-hostile Lizardfolk, including a named NPC, Rashor. As soon as you are on the spot, the quest will be completed. Cast Delay Poison (Communal) on your party and go south. When they're dead, you can find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag among the rocks to the right. In fact, you have 13 days and 8 hours left because when the timer reaches 14 days, stuff will start happening. Firstly, he provides redundancy in the Grand Diplomat post. The house to the east belongs to Kaessi; go in there to update the Sorrowflow companion quest. There's a secret door in the wall leading to a room containing a trapped (DC22) and locked (DC18) chest containing a Cloak of Resistance +1, Bracers of Archery and some unusual cooking ingredients. Don't rush into the eastern corridor because there are two traps just past the doorway. There are five more at the bottom of the slope in two groups. If you will not kill the spirit in time, he can finish off the boy. Return to the path and follow it round as it heads north. When they've been taken care of, return to the bandit room and go up the northern passageway. Back in the throne room, Kassil may have news of Jamandi's response to the way you (mis)handled Oleg's tax issues. Cast a Stinking Cloud ahead of you, like so: This should mean that the most dangerous enemy, the Bandit Necromancer, starts off disabled. Return to the throne room and look for someone named "Storyteller" in the bottom left corner of the room. You want someone capable of casting Acid Splash to finish off regenerating creatures. Climb the tree trunk and kill the Redcap at the top. Hello, crusaders! When he succumbs to the sunlight, you will unlock the Know Their Weaknesses trophy. Otherwise, helpless characters will be murdered by the Doomspider. So Shall You ReapYou need to do the curse research projects to learn the necessary information to unlock the ending. Tell them to think for themselves. There is a mechanism on the floor that you can interact with to cause it to rotate and reveal different symbols. You will find an exit to the outside (which you should ignore for the time being) and a couple of chests with minor loot. They have fairly weak Will saves so Hideous Laughter is useful. Speak to Kagar and Tig who will leave to return to his mother. This leads to an illustrated book episode. Trolls possess incredibly sharp claws and amazing regenerative powers, allowing them to recover from nearly any wound. This is worth a visit for a decent bow for Ekun and a new recipe. From the Ruined Watchtower, return to the ford across the Murque River and cross to the other side. There is a group of elves a short distance to the northwest. Jubilost is standing on the near side of the river. Success earns you XP while failure earns you pain. Talk to him to begin this quest. If you don't, he will help you later. If you examine the walls nearby. Speak to Corax and mention a reward and you will receive 400G. Deal with it and Delgado will point out the mark on the creature's skin. Otherwise, level up another advisor. I managed it with Kalikke using empowered blasts on the Tremendous Centipedes. Don't decide what to do with Remus right away. Save your game before talking to Jennas son, Tig. Let her tell her story and you will earn 600XP and gain a new artisan. Jhod tells you that the curse afflicting the place will reach its peak strength in a month. You are going to pick up a new companion shortly. Buff up before approaching the rift in the centre. They aren't hostile so you can't get the drop on them. After a short while, you will be attacked by a War Wisp. Have Tristian or Harrim memorise Delay Poison (Communal) and Remove Paralysis. Initially, you will be fighting six Giant Spiders. Bartholomew is involved in the quests Troll Trouble and The Nature of the Beast during which his house is attacked by trolls and trollhounds. You can make a Knowledge (World) check (DC23) to decipher the central pillar. This is not a particularly wise choice and will cost you the services of Ekundayo. And if it's blinded with Glitterdust, it's not too much of a threat anyway. Grab some minor loot from another crate and head back through the door in the north. If Ekun is going to be your Mobility guy, he'll want Boots of Elvenkind as well. Ask her what she wants and she will give you a letter to give to Hassuf. There are enemies visible to your right: two Trolls and two Trollhounds. Head outside into the square. When you're travelling the world map, you might bump into this guy. Click L3 to view the state of the barony and opt to buy some Build Points. If they give you trouble, hit them with Stinking Cloud. Bartholomew recruiting. : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker - reddit When you return to the road, bring Amiri with you because we can do her companion quest. You can ask about the child to learn how he's being treated. After a couple of rounds, they will be joined by two Greater Giant Spiders. March to Thorn Ford to cross the river. A woman named Jenna Tannersen will appear in your throne room around this time. Head west along the Skunk River and you will come to a crossing point. While you're here, grab the stash of minor loot from nearby. Before entering the ruins, get Shield on as many party members as possible (an Alchemist + Infusion helps). Ask what they were arguing about and they will tell you about the danger posed by the Scythe-Tree. Return to where you found Nyta's body and put the Old Wedding Ring on her body for a small XP reward. Otherwise, let him go. Go south down the lower passageway. If you tell him he's a threat to himself, you can give him various reasons why he should die. It is possible to recruit Bartholomew without completing certain portions of his quests. When it's defeated, search the various containers for an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 and minor loot. By the way, even if you dont save the boy, you will still need to talk to her and tell her about the tragedy. The entrance room has a sealed door to the east and a passage to the south. leave Octavia in captial when you visit bart and allow him to contiune experiment? Summon Nature's Ally III Trap (Perception DC 20, Trickery DC 20 - 45 exp): Summons 2-3 Giant Spiders (Vermin 7) if triggered. pathfinder: kingmaker bartholomew release troll. Head south back towards the village. If you met with Tristian, there will be a new event "Support the Councilor's Endeavors" which takes 14 days and will increase your barony's Loyalty rank. Before leaving, help yourself to provisions and minor loot from the containers in the hut. Defeat the sinister lights (skulls), search them and find some coins. A Troll and three Trollhounds will wander down from the north after which you should remove a trap from the floor in front of you. If you brought Jubilost along just to see the ruins, it may be worth a trip back your capital to change to your first-choice companion. Manipulate the floor puzzle so that the lightning rune is showing. It seems that trolls are menacing Bartholomew Delgado. Haste your party and use effects like Archon's Aura and Prayer to reduce Hargulka's melee effectiveness further. Rest up and check your calendar and settlements. If you succeed, you have a number of ways to deal with him. You will see an Alpha Wolf and a Dire Wolf to your left. Make the immediate area safe and then speak to Waine. Keep to the left and you will find a chest containing Full Plate +2. You will also want the Cold Iron Dagger. Head to the world map and make your way to Silverstep Grove. Go the trader nearby and buy Varrask's Tools for 50G. Pathfinder Adventure: Troubles in Otari - Paizo Cast Protection from Arrows (Communal) if you are able to along with any other AC boosts. If your Loyalty rank increased to 20, Tristian will ask you to make a choice. The locked chest outside the house near the bottom left corner contains the Grilled Silver Eel recipe along with some silver eels. Cross into Silverstep and keep following the trail. There is also a hidden compartment on the wall with some minor loot. Failing all else, you can seek out Anoriel in the tavern and respec your main character. Once you get to the other side, look in the undergrowth to the left for the Cloak of the Winter Wolf. Fireball Trap (Perception DC 22, Trickery DC 22 - 36 exp): 5d6 fire damage if triggered (Reflex DC 16 for half). This may be sufficient to reveal a trap (Perception DC36) across the passageway. For what it's worth, the "(Neutral)" option leads to the best outcomes. Hopefully, that way only the Alpha will make it to your party in the initial instance and you can concentrate your attacks on him without his lesser brethren tripping your melee guys. A couple of days after the letter arrives for Valerie, Jaethal will demand to see you in the throne room. Return to your capital and find Tristian who tells you that there is no trace of Ruthgert. Loot his remains for a Belt of Physical Might +2. When there are sixteen days remaining on the curse timeline, you will receive an event, "Troll Invasion". Search chests to collect keys and open doors If you cant picklock them. He is a rather sketchy individual, but agree to investigate anyway. It's high time we looked for this Lost Child. What you find when you emerge depends on how you resolved matters with Tartuk and Hargulka. Don't worry about this for the time being. I suggest that you built it on the river as close as possible to Tuskdale. Across the road, is spot where you can climb up to a small area if you pass an Athletics Check (DC22). We're heading east. Lots of trolls, typically in packs of four. Head north and examine a log by the path. Depending on your choice - after troll trouble he is either a potential advisor or stays grumpy in the house. When they're dead, look around to spot a pair of hunters trapped on the hilltop. If you read his diary you will learn of his experiments on some unfortunate named Dimwit. Terrorizing Tig is a bonus. It may take a couple of goes, depending on how the RNG gods arrange matters, but you should prevail. Visit him during Season of Bloom, If you annoyed him by insisting to stop his experiments, he will be preparing to leave and has reset. Two Trolls and a Branded Troll are attacking a merchant named Dalton and his guard. Buff up mildly. The main quest will take us to this area shortly so backtrack past the Ruined Watchtower to the river. When you win, you get to make a choice. Keep going and you will reach the village proper. Despite their cruelty in combat, trolls are surprisingly tender and kind to their own young. At the top, there is a cave entrance to your right. Leave through the exit in the Troll Lair Depths when you're ready. There's a stash of gold up here as well. Continue heading south where you will find a barrel in the corner of the room containing a Torag's Pendant. Head to the world map and level up your party members (you should be level 5). Report to Bokken and tell him that the wererat died. There's a chest with some minor loot. Return to the main path and cast Resist Electricity (Communal) on your party. Return to the path and continue south. In preparation for later events, you may want to buy a rope and a crowbar as well. There's a trap at the end. Return to the previous room and interact with the switch on the floor. Arresting him is somehow Lawful Evil. Backtrack a little and head down the southern corridor. There's also a hidden cache in the corner with a Token of the Dryad. In a land that is currently lawless? A gnome on the riverbank is calling for help. You will come across a group of peasants near a tree looking for treasure. There's a Troll and a Trollhound who need to be killed. When the area is clear, loot the nearby containers (one of them locked, DC18) for a Dart +1 along with other stuff. Nearby among the bushes is a hard-to-spot (DC27) stash containing 2000G. Backtrack to the previous room and unlock the door to reveal a balcony. You may also have a new event, "Accursed Things", which is related to Nazrielle's quest. The Wererat Lair location is added to your map. Any 7th level character should be capable of taking them out. I don't believe the choice matters. The Snipers stand well back and have a habit of targeting your squishier guys. This is worth a visit for a moderately difficult battle and some very worthwhile loot. Give Bokken the books you've found to update his quest. Another Ancient Will-o'-Wisp will attack you. This will bring Jethal's quest to a conclusion for the time being. In a bad case of writer's pet, if Regongar is in your party, he will override you in this matter and attack the children. So Shall You ReapDon't pursue the fleeing cultists. Note that you cannot proceed further into the keep. He will give you 3 potions of Cure Light Wounds and 100G before leaving. pathfinder: kingmaker bartholomew release troll. Stinking Cloud will disable out the mass of them. Unfortunately, he'll stand at distance and pelt you with rocks all the day long. However, similar to claiming the Outskirts, this will cause another 14 days to pass which you don't want to happen right now. That said, if a candidate for the necklace is able to use dueling swords, the Lord Protector will make it that the wearer is a lot less likely to hit allies. Try to avoid being flanked so they don't inflict large amounts of sneak damage. The quest will begin after you meet Jenna in the throne room (you will have to receive some visitors). You will earn 300XP if he survives and you will meet him later. Hostility ensues. If you explore the world further, you cannot cross the Sellen River in the west at this point. You can make this easier by ignoring the cart for the moment and heading north to the ponies standing by the cart. Because there's no rest for the wicked, Jhod will come up next and suggest that you employ Bokken as your court alchemist, initiating The Court Alchemist.