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The letter is addressed to twenty-first century members of the Church and is written with the expectation that these future Saints will have been alive for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. 10. As his career and Church service became more demanding, Elder Featherstone made sure to make his family a top priority. Thats a diamond! President Vaughn J. Featherstone promised if members of the Church would spend half a day in the Temple each month the following blessings would result: 1. Isnt there something splendid about light? If it does not, it is not. He came to a class, a very large class, and sat in the middle of the back row, where surely no one would call him to answer questions or do anything. Here are excerpts from an oldies but goodies Conference talk by Vaughn J. Featherstone: "I would like to talk tonight about a need for a self-inflicted purging in every single priesthood holder so that we might be pure in heart. Elder Featherstone replied by providing aslightly revised copy of the statement, now titled, Holiness to the Lord. In this new version, abrief explanatory note was added following the comment that the last prophet was already born or would soon be born: Authors Note: This could take place deep into the 21st century or in arelatively few years. The bus driver looked down, saw this black driver, and started trying to force him off the road. It was found in a baking powder can wired to the handle of an old pump that offered the only hope of drinking water in a very long, seldom-used trail across the Armagosa Desert. The words wouldnt come. I guess he noticed this, because all of a sudden he took his turban off and waved it around to get my attention, but I just ignored him. He said, I just suggest you get married. So I did, and we have this lovely family. In our day we have many things that come into our lives that seem to be great obstacles and great handicaps. And a civilized king. It would be deposited in atime capsule at the dedication of the Atlanta Georgia Temple presumably, like other Church time capsules, to be opened fifty years later. If anyone were to ask me the day and the hour of the Second Coming, Icould only answer that Ido not know. My father was a great man when he was sober. I would imagine there are many young women here today who are concerned that Im twenty-two and Im not married yet or Im twenty-five and not married. That isnt all that serious. vaughn j featherstone excommunicated - What have other recent general authorities suggested about knowing the timing of the Second Coming? [Featherstone] wanted to make sure that it was good to go for the time capsule, so he sent acopy to Salt Lake, and the Brethren said, Great. I am nobody. The competition is so keen here at BYU. I guess I could share with you a personal story. I used to go out and sit in the park with a newspaper. Vaughn J. Featherstone was both a physical and spiritual giant who taught others key gospel principles such as tithing through his own quiet example, he added. As they walked along the banks of these rivers, they saw beautiful white sands and the old Arab guide told story after story, kind of like a modern-day barber. Is that really you? Vaughn J Featherstone (born March 23, 1931) is an emeritus member of the First Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). The man who bought the farm from Ali Hafid went out to water his camel one day in the little stream that ran through the white sands of the farm. So can we use this scientific data to extrapolate that the Second Coming is likely to occur during the next few years, or the next decade, or the next century? The fact is that the whole thing is afabrication. Many of you have it much harder and have attended college. There are several copies on the internet. 20. Were really excited about it.) Yes, I love them. Then the pressure got more intense. McConkie also commented on the half-hour period of silence that follows the opening of the seventh seal in Revelation 8. Both Lund and McConkie, however, acknowledge the problems of assuming we can pinpoint when the Millennium would begin. Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. When I went to church I would sit with both feet flat on the floor; I didnt want to raise one leg and have someone see Quaker Oats across the bottom of my shoe. I wanted to tell you that little incident just to give you some background about the kind of man Douglas Snarr is. BYU Speeches Let me tell you just one other thing about Douglas Snarr, because I know that his ability to speak is a miracle. You just reported in, but you didnt dare ask for anything. He pulled up to a red light and waited. Many among Montemayors audience have come away with the impression that Elder Featherstones letter received the official sanction of the Churchs leadership. The Arab concluded his story by saying that Ali Hafids farm was the Golconda mine, the richest diamond mine in all the history of the world. President Lee said, The greatest test we have in this life is the loss of a loved one, and the greatest burden we carry [and I repeat for emphasis], thegreatestburden we carry, is sin. You may have a problem like that. My teacher didnt look. Someone who had such an obstacle was a young man by the name of Timmy. She never moved; she just stared out that window waiting for Dad to come. PDF Vaughn J. Featherstone's Atlanta Temple Letter - Interpreter Foundation You are a person of worth. Featherstone was born in Stockton, Tooele County, Utah. Timmy was a moronat least thats what his teacher told himso she had him transferred out of her class into a class where they did teach morons. This is a great life, and it is a marvelous time to live. She answered, No, I really dont. The tears came a little faster then, and I wanted to say, Would you like me to give you a blessing? but I dared not do it. During that time I learned a great many tricks to avoid speaking. 28. Vaughn J. Featherstone, emeritus member of the First Quorum of the Seventy, offers words of encouragement as students seek to fulfill their God-given potential. Ive tried to compensate for it. Primero, lo menos importante, pero aun de gran significado, debemos comprender . We cant add one featherweight of burden to our mothers heart. And so wed go to bed hungry. 218 University Press Building I think if youll be a trainer of people, or a teacher, or a philosopher, you need to plant the sweet smell of success in the nostrils of those you would inspire. 22. I know they are honest and upright men, but I dont believe in a God who would not keep his promises. Later on a member of the stake presidency gave me a blessing and promised me that my health would be increased, but my health isnt any better. If we have that kind of attitude it doesnt matter what we go through, our reward is certain in the next life. I want to talk to him. Finally the bus driver opened the door, and the policeman went in to talk to the driver and the people on the bus. Doug said, I cant believe this. Finally both vehicles pulled up to a red light. With a camel train they went down the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Vaughn J. Featherstone - Bibliography - List of Talks Talks by Vaughn J. Featherstone Show Timeline Presiding Bishopric - 2nd Counselor (6 Apr 1972 - 1 Oct 1976) 6 Apr 1972 A Challenge to the Priesthood General Conference 7 Oct 1972 The Sure Word of God General Conference 6 Apr 1973 "Now Abideth Faith, Hope, and Charity" General Conference Jun 1973 If I really had my druthers, Id rather not tell you this, but I am going to tell you. While he was growing up, his parents were divorced and his mother was left to provide and care for eight children. Also see "Answering Gospel Questions." They found others who were artists and could see the shape of her face and its contours. Anything that started developing I just cut off. RussellM.Nelson, The Future of the Church: Preparing the World for the Saviors Second Coming, Ensign, (April2020),,,,,,,,,,,,, Letter For My Wife Rebuttal, Part 6: The Early Church The Translation [B], Come, Follow Me with FAIR: Faithful Answers to New Testament Questions Matthew 8; Mark 24; Luke 7, For the Strength of Youth: A Higher and Holier Way, The Prison Journal of Belle Harris now available from Church Historians Press, Letter For My Wife Rebuttal, Part 5: The Early Church The Translation [A]. Elder Featherstone served in several stake leadership positions, on the Church General Missionary Committee, as a member of the Young Men general presidency, and in area presidencies in the Philippines and the Pacific. Whats the problem? So I had decided I would pay for the course myself. They had holes in the bottom sole, so Id cut out pieces of cardboard and slide them in as an insole. His family then settled in Salt Lake City when he was five. Featherstone spoke on the importance of temple attendance in the last dispensation, when Satan has unleashed every evil. He was also quoted as saying, Ibelieve we may well have living on the earth now, or very soon, the boy or babe who will be the prophet of the Church when the Savior comes. Then my second brother came along, and I supported him on his mission. Doug wouldnt move, so the bus driver stopped. But I just sat there. The Temple is a Fortress of the Lord - Temple Study Millennial Reign, 7 Year Tribulation in the SEVENTH Seal TIMELINE, 48:57. Cross-posted from Truth Will Prevail. Stephenwas born on June 9 1901, in American Fork, Utah, Utah, United States. sort by * Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. You have to have a lot of faith because each of you is someone special. He just cannot believe that anyone cant succeed if he wants to succeed. We can imagine what General Conference must be like, to have the Savior address the people. For God could not make Antonio Stradivaris violins without Antonio. Nobody knows who the Angel was and thats okay. I heard a while ago of a contest to find the ugliest girl in America. It is okay not to know, its okay that Elder McConkie didnt know, he just simply speculated. I worked that whole summer and finally earned enough. I believe, you see, that what King Arthur went through was a terrible thing. Just keep serving, and in due time things will take place. I also recall an incident that ties into the subject Id like to lead into in a minute. Acres of Diamonds - Vaughn J. Featherstone - BYU Speeches The Divine Gift of the Spirit - Brigham Young University-Idaho Then I also recall the Scotchman who bought his wife an X ray of his chest for their anniversary. JDK-8141210 : Very slow loading of JavaScript file with recent JDK Someone said that when a person is really enthusiastic he gives off measurable wavelengths that leave his body for four or five feet. At about that same time we couldnt afford much clothing either. Then he stood about six inches in front of the bus. The Incomparable Christ: Our Master and Model - Deseret Book When authors state that items come from the Church or Church Headquarters or Salt Lake one does have to be cautious because that is often a way to sneak something past the unwary or give them an air of authority they do not actually possess. Maybe their noses are bigger, or maybe their ears are a little bigger. God bless each one of you that youll feel your sense of worth, that youll understand who you really are. vaughn j featherstone excommunicated All of a sudden Carol came down the spiral staircase in a beautiful dress and said, Well, Daddy, thats Douglas Snarr. We think weve got something that will be worthwhile in this class, and I promise you that Ill never call on you again. The teachers comment was worse because it made me feel like a spectacle., Doug wanted to do something about his stuttering, but that just accentuated the problem. The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. Of course Ido not know when the Savior will come. I remember it was Saturday, and I thought, Ive got to go to church. Do you know what its like to have someone throw a lifebuoy out to you if youre drowning in the middle of the ocean? How to say Vaughn J Featherstone in English? Pretty soon everyone came in, and then all of a sudden someone announced: We will now be separated for classes. I had forgotten you had to go to class. I see it in their eyes and feel it when they speak, and they must pay for it and be punished. In 1972 he was called to the Presiding Bishopric, where he served for four years before being called as a general authority seventy and presiding over the Texas San Antonio Mission. A bishop from a ward in a distant city came to see me one day and said, Weve got a woman in our ward who would like to be excommunicated., I said, All right. Then at the meeting he was just as nervous as he could possibly be until they finally called on him to speak. And all that you dream and you scheme is about it; He would continue to do so all through her life. Job was a great soul, and he said, Though he [God] slay me, yet will I trust in him (Job 13:15). Be it sin or not sin, they betray me in their hearts, and thats far sin enough. Jeremiah31:34, quoted in Hebrews8:11. Finally, instead of acting as if I werent listening, Conwell said, Id act as if I were listening and then just turn him off. He started his remarks by reading apassage from the Book of Jeremiah describing the Millennium, when they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them.21Featherstone then said, It is my conviction that most of you will live to see that day.22Montemayor also pointed to this passage as confirmation of Featherstones letter. This is the time of King Arthur, and violence is not strength and compassion is not weakness. Vaughn J Featherstone (1931 - 2018) - Genealogy No matter what the problems arephysically, mentally, or in any wayyoud say, I am grateful, dear God, that I am what I am and that I have all these things. We ought to start looking for the positives in our lives instead of the negatives. You who are reading this letter are witnesses to my words.4, [Page 311]The letter concludes with apersonal message of gratitude to the Savior in the event that this letter come to the attention of our Lord who is reigning personally upon the earth.5. vaughn j featherstone excommunicatedfisher 667 actuator parts list 11 czerwca 2022 / treat williams yellowstone / in florida tech men's soccer division / by / treat williams yellowstone / in florida tech men's soccer division / by When I was invited to accept this assignment, I looked to it as a great honor and one to which hopefully I can contribute something. The woman I was talking to said, You know, Doug, youve got a great story to tell. Then I said, But you know, you need to develop a Job-like attitude. What aglorious experience to live in the day when our Lord, our Redeemer, the very Son of God is reigning personally upon the earth. Elder JohnE.Enslen, To Any Who May Be Interested, (letter, February 15, 2010). He was poor because he was discontented, and he was discontented because he felt and feared that he was poor. I have prayed most of my life, but this day I really prayed: Dear God, help me to know what to do. Then the message came, so I got up, called a taxi, and went down to the LDS chapel. There would be drunks and others lying on benches out in the park, but Id go out and put the newspaper over my arm while reading or talking to myself, with my arm moving back and forth under the paper with every syllablepracticing! The videos creator, Masayoshi Montemayor, makes his points largely through official Church sources, including the Churchs website, institute manuals, and conference reports. You recall the scene where King Arthur finally, after many months, received reports and innuendos and whatever that Lancelot and King Arthurs wife, Guinevere, had had an affair and were having an affair at that time. I have absolute confidence in that statement. I heard President Brown make a statement a long time ago: If I could choose from all the times in the history of the earth to live, it would be about fifty years later than I was born. Do you know what that means? But while neither Inor any other man knows when He will come, there are some things that Ido know and that knowledge comes from the scriptures, and the testimony of its truth comes by the power of the Holy Ghost. His problem was solved. As far as I know, perhaps the last major public address Elder Featherstone gave was to BYU Idaho in 2013, as found here. This is all Ive done all my life. vaughn j featherstone excommunicated - As he read, he felt as though he were present in the ancient Americas for the events taking place. They raised six children together, five sons and one daughter. I didnt mind moving my arm because I was finally communicating. I am just so excited to live in this day and to be part of the wrapping-up process. The priest said, This is where we got our mountains and hills and our valleys and our deep gorges. Cobbled together by Dennis B. Horne Note: In his earlier years, in some talks given in the 1970s, as a counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone referenced a marvelous spiritual experience he received.The below contains both published text and newly transcribed wording that was withheld for whatever reason (perhaps felt to be too . The Church History Library houses all sorts of documents that could be significant for preserving the Latter-day Saint past, not simply what has received official endorsement. Somebody else said, Nighttime demands from the overburdened soul the things that daylight denies.. If you could look back and see the obstacles they had, I want to tell you that you would be so grateful to have all that you have. I was about thirty and I thought, Now I can get married. A short time later I found the fellow, and we fell in love and got married. Others can help us be attractive on the surface, and I think its important to look attractive. Everything had hinged on that one interview, and God had been there. Later on my mother and father were divorced. What if it isnt for five years and nine months? 12. He died a couple of years ago. The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of FAIR, its officers, directors or supporters. So the fellow behind him shouted out the window, Move the trash can, pilgrim!. Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. I told some seminary students the other day about an experience I had after getting glasses. A few months after the contest, this girl was married, and a short time later she had five children. I threw my arms around her and said, Id give anything in the world to have had you there with us this morning. She just couldnt make it. So I asked if I could be baptized. Does it always have to be me? But when I looked into her face and saw the heavy heart she had, Id say, Ill go. So Id take the list, and Id go out and get our old red wagon with the tires worn off and the rims worn flat. Elder Featherstone also wrote many books, particularly for youth of the Church, about gospel topics for which he felt strongly. Find signed collectible books by 'Vaughn J Featherstone' The Aaronic priesthood and you. When he finished, I couldnt believe it. I dont believe in a God like that. Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. Perhaps, but before I was a genius I was a drudge. Alexander Hamilton said, All the genius I may have is merely the fruit of labor and thought. Dorothea Brand wrote a whole book,Wake Up and Live, to get across one simple formula for success: Act as though it were impossible to fail. Shouldnt we in Gods kingdom act as though it were impossible to fail? I put my feet back under the bench. Theyll laugh me to scorn over at church. And so I decided I wouldnt wear them, and I wouldnt go to church. However, in other instances, he points to obscure sources, including an April1983 letter written by Seventy VaughnJ.Featherstone. A newspaper reporter covering the incident wanted to put it in the newspaper in a certain way, and so he simply had a little article there that said, Yesterday at Donald Grahams funeral, Blackey McGregor, one of the pallbearers, slipped into the open grave, fracturing a limb, bringing a gloom over the whole occasion. I hope we wont do that tonight. I was in a store, and one of our neighbors came ina good LDS gal about our age (young). And then one little gal came up, stood back and looked at me, and said, You know, you really dont have a big nose.. Blythe, Vaughn J. Featherstone's Atlanta Temple Letter 313 Enslen stated it was used by Church leaders in the South in the years after 1983.15 The language in these two portions of Featherstone's letter are distinct. Those of you who read this letter have witnessed the second coming of Christ, the day for which we have long awaited. But the most important thing is the inner beauty that starts to shine forth. He heard a friend bear testimony of the truth of the gospel, and Elder Featherstone could tell that this friend really knew what he was saying. I had a pair of shoes that Id wear to church. Iknow that the spirit of the Lord is brooding over the South. When I was eighteen my mother died, and I had four younger brothers and sisters. He had had BYU and Utah State University and the University of Utah check it out. Then the policeman said to the driver, We will report this to your company and take appropriate action., The bus driver started to cry. Vaughn J. Featherstone (March 26, 1931 - May 12, 2018) was a general authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 1972 until his death. Bishop Vaughn J. Featherstone's Experience with the Scriptures - FAIR While he was growing up, his parents were divorced and his mother was left to provide and care for eight children.