There will be opportunities to document any virtual shadowing experiences on the 2022-2023 ADEA AADSAS application. In addition, we need to use and disclose PHI about you when referring you to another health care provider. What if I do not know if I am a Bridge To Care (BTC) patient? For example, in certain circumstances, we may disclose PHI about you to a correctional institution having lawful custody of you. . Para operaciones de atencin en salud. We are here to help! Sharing information allows us to ask for coverage under your plan or policy and for approval of payment before we provide the services. EXAMPLE: If you are diagnosed with gum disease, we may tell you about related services that may be of interest to you., UNC School of Dentistry Fees are approximately half the cost private practice fees. Original, official transcripts from every college or university the applicant has attended must be submitted directly to AADSAS. You may ask for disclosures made up to six (6) years before your request. For urine tests, we will guide you on how to self-collect the specimen, which you will do privately in a restroom and leave the sample in a designated spot., HIPAA Privacy Officer Rufnummer: 919-537-3588. Effective: March 10, 2003 | Revision Effective: May 1, 2018, If you have any questions or requests regarding the privacy of your medical Debemos comunicarle nuestros deberes legales y prcticas de privacidad relacionadas con la PHI: Este aviso describe los tipos de usos y divulgaciones que podemos hacer y ofrecerle algunos ejemplos. This depends entirely on each individual. For example, we may disclose PHI about you if it relates to military and veterans activities, national security and intelligence activities, protective services for the President, and medical suitability or determinations of the Department of State. Please arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment. Application review process begins. We must give you notice of our legal duties and privacy practices In our general dental clinics on the Shadow Lane campus, students provide oral health care to patients while supervised by the schools licensed faculty dentists. Admissions Information DDS Admissions 1611 Koury Oral Health Sciences Building, CB #78450 Chapel Hill, NC 27599 United States Phone: (919) 537-3348 Email: Website: School Overview University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill School of Dentistry Fast Facts Application Service AADSAS School Info Therefore, potential SPs cannot already be full time state employees. Patients interested in receiving treatment at our Faculty Practice should contact them directly. 2700 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. UNC Adams School of Dentistry Campus Box #7450 Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-7450. Adems, podemos hacer otros usos y divulgaciones que se derivan de los usos y divulgaciones permitidas descritas en este aviso. CB # 7450 Si tiene preguntas o solicitudes relacionadas con la privacidad de su informacin mdica, por favor consulte al UNC HIPAA Privacy Officer (Coordinador de privacidad de HIPAA) al (919) 962-6332 CB #1150, 440 W. Franklin St., Chapel Hill, NC 27599, o por correo electrnico a Three (3) letters of recommendation. The Adams School of Dentistry is committed to making dental education as affordable as possible for its students. Divulgaremos su informacin si una corte nos lo ordena. You have the right to a copy of this Notice. Si considera que la School of Dentistry no le proporcion estos servicios o lo discrimin de otra manera por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo, puede presentar una reclamacin al: Director of Risk Management Certain professional licensing rules and ethical standards may provide more protection for health information, and where applicable, we will follow those rules and standards. Appointments withresident providersare generally shorter than those with a predoctoral student provider, but longer than those with a faculty provider. Usted puede rechazar el tratamiento y debe esperar que se le informe de las posibles consecuencias de tal decisin. 2023 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Please note: completing a screening appointment does not guarantee that you will be accepted as a patient. Puede solicitar una forma de comunicacin alternativa, contactndose con el HIPAA Privacy Liaison (Coordinador de privacidad de HIPAA) al 919-537-3588. High School Students We will also accept committee letters in place of the science and/or major, but applications must still include letter from dental practitioner. Our faculty providers accept MetLife dental insurance. They are less expensive than appointments with a faculty member, but more expensive than appointments with a predoctoral student provider. We will help patients in the process of getting IUDs free-of-cost, oral contraceptives, or menopause treatment. PLEASE REVIEW IT CAREFULLY. change our treatment of you in any way. Si Usted firma una autorizacin por escrito que nos permite divulgar su PHI en una situacin especfica, despus puede cancelar por escrito su autorizacin contactando a nuestro HIPAA Privacy Liaison (Coordinador de privacidad de HIPAA). Ciertas reglas y estndares ticos de las licencias profesionales podrn brindar ms proteccin a la informacin en salud y, donde esto aplique, seguiremos estas reglas y estndares. la informacin no hace parte de los registros que se utilizaron para tomar decisiones sobre usted, creemos que la informacin es correcta y completa, o. Usted podra no tener el derecho a ver y copiar el registro como se describe anteriormente en el prrafo 3. Revisar y evaluar las habilidades, calificaciones y desempeo de los proveedores de atencin en salud que lo atienden a usted. TRATAMIENTO: Podremos compartir con una agencia pblica o privada (por ejemplo, la Cruz Roja) su PHI para fines de socorro en un desastre. Students preparing for the study of dentistry are encouraged to complete a regular four-year curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Artsor Bachelor of Science degree. Dental schools have patients treated by a dental student under the supervision of a faculty member who is a licensed dentist. When the use and/or disclosure is required under North Carolinas laws regarding workers compensation. Bring whatever equipment you have been using (walker, cane, brace, etc.) Thank you for your patience as we answer many patient questions. This appointment is often a prescreening and not a guarantee of services. When considering your application timelines, remember that you must also complete our supplemental application by this deadline. Please select a service area below and request a screening appointment by filling out the Patient Contact Form (available at the bottom of each professional service area). We are currently delivering results via phone, after your visit is concluded. La ley estatal restringe nuestra divulgacin (y la de su mdico o proveedor en salud mental) de su informacin sobre salud en muchos casos. If you have any questions, please reach out to us directly at Por lo general, es necesario que usemos o demos su informacin mdica a otros para facturar y recibir el pago por el tratamiento y los servicios que se le prestaron. Interviews For example, we may need to use PHI about you to develop ways to assist our health care providers and staff in deciding what dental treatment should be provided to others. Si usted tiene una de las muchas enfermedades contagiosas especficas (por ejemplo, tuberculosis, sfilis o VIH / SIDA), la informacin sobre su enfermedad se tratar como confidencial y se divulgar sin su permiso por escrito slo bajo circunstancias limitadas. PAYMENT: How can I access contraception and/or medications, if I do not have insurance? State law restricts our disclosure (and that of your physician or mental health provider) of your health information in many instances. There are certain situations in which we are not required to comply with your request. One upper-level lecture course with a minimum of three semester hours. Tambin divulgaremos su informacin si la ley nos obliga a hacerlo, por ejemplo, cuando se presenta una orden de la corte, cuando sospechamos que hay abuso o abandono de un menor de edad o adulto discapacitado, y cuando uno de nuestros proveedores o estudiantes crean que un cliente tiene una enfermedad contagiosa o est infectado con el VIH y no sigue las medidas de seguridad. Si determinamos que existe una amenaza inminente a su salud o su seguridad o a la salud y seguridad de alguien ms, podremos divulgar su informacin para prevenir o disminuir la amenaza. For media inquiries and/or to suggest announcements and story ideas, please contact the Public Affairs and Marketing Team. We may use and/or disclose PHI to contact you to provide a reminder to you about an appointment you have for dental care. Some patients dental needs or medical conditions are too complex for our students. "Dental Benefits Coverage in the U.S.," Accessed Oct. 10, 2019. As a learning health care center, there arethree provider levelsto choose from at Carolina Dentistry: You may know which provider you want to see already and can indicate your preference at your first patient appointment, or your care team can recommend one for you based on your needs. Lincoln, NE 68583-0740. Este consentimiento general para tratamiento es diferente de una autorizacin la cual se menciona en otras partes de este aviso. Para cualquier otro caso de uso y / o divulgacin de su PHI diferente a los descritos en este comunicado de prcticas de privacidad, solicitaremos su autorizacin. Improving child and adolescent mental health hay algunos servicios que brindamos a travs de personas o compaas externas, incluidos vendedores, contratistas proveedores de atencin en salud, instalaciones de almacenamiento externas y compaas de seguros de responsabilidad civil. When the use and/or disclosure is for health oversight activities. For other tests, we will collect a few drops of blood from one of your fingers to run in a test device. Appelez le 919-537-3588. Dental School UT Health Science Center: How to Become a Patient. If you commit a crime, or threaten to commit a crime, on the premises of our program or against our program personnel, we may report information about the crime or threat to law enforcement officers. We will get back to you within 48 hours. Recibir una explicacin completa cuando surjan complicaciones durante el tratamiento que puedan cambiar el plan de cuidado o afectar los resultados anticipados. Every fundraising communication from us to you will provide you with an opportunity and means to opt out of receiving such communications in the future. You have the right to request restrictions on uses and disclosures of PHI about you. We may share with a public or private agency (for example, American Red Cross) PHI about you for disaster relief purposes. Si es as, el odontlogo o estudiante de odontologa puede contactar a su mdico u otros proveedores de atencin en salud para obtener informacin relacionada con su salud. Patients are encouraged to discuss payment options and questions with Patient Business Services at (919) 537-3940. ** CUALQUIER OTRO USO O DIVULGACIN DE SU PHI NECESITA DE SU AUTORIZACIN POR ESCRITO **. We understand the impact of COVID-19 social distancing guidelines on scheduling your DAT exam date. Please expect to be here for about a hour. Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7450 Por ejemplo, podremos usar o divulgar la PHI para que uno de nuestros residentes en odontologa pueda certificarse por la experiencia en un campo especfico de la odontologa, como la ortodoncia, o para organizaciones que acrediten nuestros programas especiales como la American Dental Association Commission on Dental Education. Can I receive more than one dental treatment in a clinic night? Debemos aceptar su solicitud para restringir la divulgacin de su PHI que se relacione exclusivamente con un artculo o servicio de atencin en salud por el cual Usted, u otra persona en su nombre, pag en su totalidad de su bolsillo, si tal divulgacin es para un plan de salud por el propsito de llevar a cabo el pago u operaciones de atencin en salud. Carrboro Community Health Center At the USC Dental Faculty Practice, you will receive state-of-the-art treatment from among the finest dentists, specialists and dental hygienists in their fields. Orthodontic care doesn't just give you a beautiful smile. Podremos compartir con un familiar, pariente, amigo u otra persona que usted identifique, la PHI relacionada directamente con la participacin de esa persona en su atencin o pago de su atencin. Acceptance to UBCs dental programs is based on our ability to meet your needs and our students educational requirements. Phone: 402-472-1333. Acceptance packets will be mailed with detailed information about the $500 non-refundable deposit and forms to secure your seat. Assisting various people who review our activities. If you dont have MyChart, please call (919) 537-3737 and select: Please note, patients who do not show up for appointments may be charged a cancellation fee. We must protect PHI that we have created or received about: your past, present, or future health condition; health care we provide to you; or payment for your health care. If we suspect that a child is abused or neglected, state law requires us to report the abuse or neglect to the Department of Social Services. Informar a su proveedor cuando haya cambios en su estado de salud general o si sufren alguna complicacin y molestias imprevistas despus del tratamiento. However, this year, there is a Special Enrollment Period from December 15th January 15th due to the pandemic. However, we may disclose your health information under State and Federal law for treatment, payment, and health care operations, with your permission, pursuant to a court order, or as otherwise may be permitted or required by law. We are required to follow the procedures in this Notice. Todos los profesores, el personal, los residentes y los estudiantes deben cumplir con estas leyes y polticas. (If your school offers Human Anatomy and Physiology in a two-part sequence you must have both courses in order to meet our requirement of Human Anatomy). Patients may bring. La School of Dentistry no excluye a las personas ni las trata de manera diferente debido a su raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo. Dentists, dental students, and other healthcare providers may need to share PHI about you, both inside and outside our School, in order to coordinate different services you may need. Your request must be in writing. The first step to becoming a patient at UNLV School of Dental Medicine is to schedule a screening appointment, which will help determine if your needs are a suitable match for our student doctors. You may request to see and receive a copy of PHI about you by contacting the Patient Records department at 919- 537-3515. Cuando el uso y / o la divulgacin se relacionan con difuntos. For information on how courses will transfer visit the UNC-Chapel Hill Course Transfer Equivalencies Website. We also strongly encourage our applicants to take advantage of the multiple online dental CE activities that are available and include any certificates of completion in their application. It improves self-esteem, enhances facial appearance, may help you avoid tooth decay or gum disease, and puts you in a position to have the very best oral health possible. We will request that you sign a general consent for treatment form which asks for your permission to provide treatment to you and provides other information and consents. We will provide a copy of this Notice no later than the date you first receive service from us (except for emergency services, and then we will provide the Notice to you as soon as possible). More details about our interview process will be included in our interview invitations. Con el fin de comunicarse eficazmente con todos los pacientes, la School of Dentistry: Si necesita ayuda para recibir estos servicios gratuitos, comunquese con el Director of Risk Management (Director de Gestin de Riesgos) (ver la informacin de contacto a continuacin). If you have questions about admissions, please North Carolina state law and Federal law allow us to use and disclose PHI about you for the purposes of: providing treatment to you, obtaining payment for those services, and for health care operations. Your appointment may include dental x-rays unless you have had x-rays in the past year or so, in which case we ask that you bring x-rays with you. We will disclose information about you if a court orders us to do so. Together, we passionately serve our people, our community and our field. Mejorar la atencin en salud y disminuir costos para grupos de personas que tengan problemas mdicos u odontolgicos similares y para ayudar a gestionar y coordinar la atencin para estos grupos de personas. "Dental Costs With and Without Insurance," Accessed Oct. 10, 2019. Complete Contact Information. (919) 962-6332 Some North Carolina laws provide you with more protection for specific types of information than federal laws protecting the privacy of medical information about you, and where applicable, we will follow the requirements of those state laws. Ground Floor, Tarrson Hall Podremos no necesitar obtener su permiso para reportar la informacin sobre su enfermedad contagiosa a los funcionarios estatales o locales o para usar o divulgar la informacin con el fin de proteccin contra la propagacin de la enfermedad.