I am currently reading Roger Olson's book, Against Calvinism. If theyre not slaughtering each other, theyre blowing up each others Mosques so to speak. It must start somewhere and with those who are willing to give up their cherished arguments for the sake of something better. If you heard this preached, it might be from a Hyper-Calvinist church. I guess there will always be that tension there. Nicholas what a great link. Look at my Perfect System! Ive seen the attitude too often in fandom, and for some reason political or theological fanboys are a lot more respectable than furry or otaku or gamer fanboys, though the underlying dynamic is similar. Glad youre mentioning Roger Olson, Dee. Ah yes, those were the days A friend of mine came to the Lord while living in the hills above Santa Barbara in a teepee and smoking a lot of pot He and his wife were some of the most sane, grounded people I knew in the 80s. There are some big ones where I do not agree (for example, he is quite patriarchal, even though he doesnt make as big a deal about it as some of the more outspoken complementarians). My theologys still up-in-the-air, and I dont care if it never comes down. He followed what was Augustinianism, which was the soteriological understanding of the church historically - all the way back to the apostles themselves. I have never doubted the existence and presence of Jesus in my life. I do not know. So done with neat little systems with all the ends tucked in Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by bjonson, Jan 10, 2006. http://www.biblebelievers.net/Calvinism/kjcalvn1.htm, http://www.thebereancall.org/Search_Search.aspx?SectionID=1359&search=calvin, http://www.geocities.com/calvinismheresy/calvinismmain.html, http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Doctrines/heresies_of_calvinism.htm, http://www.swrb.ab.ca/newslett/actualNLs/RHNarmin.htm. 5) Likewise, everything we do for others should NOT be because we love them, but to bring glory to God. I dont know that any of the venues get one closer to God than the others. I will never go back to Calvinism because I cant recall a single moment that I felt any certainty of Gods love for me in that system. C.K. But when I look at the attitude of evangelism presented in scripture, it seems a lot closer to how an Arminian would frame it: a call of hope to those who would repent and turn to God. Your blog has been extremely helpful to me as well, in sorting many things out. That is where I focus when it comes to the existence of evil and suffering. Have prayed for him, his family and physicians. Hunt, Finney, Hyles, and Billy Graham would number in the non (anti)-calvinists that I personally have less respect for. Takes great delight in you living your life, the ups and the downs. It was you! Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, (You must log in or sign up to post here. And I pretty much agree with everything you say here. The WCF clearly states that God is not the author of sin. There wasnt so much in your face going on. I am not the smartest person in the world and I know that what seems logical to me can, in fact, be wrong . Im sorry about the experiences youve had with Calvinists. I am sorry those times seemed to have been exchanged for dogma over Christian friendship. @ JeffB: The rule about not eating the fruit was just as much an opportunity for Adam/Eve to choose good as it was to choose evil. In SGM, most of us were pretty demure. We dont have to dwell on our differences. Jimmy Draper. I sure love the practical side of things. It wasnt until they tried to recruit me to take an $85.00 course to learn to speak in tongues that I actually started studying my Bible. Probably originated with Calvinists during the Reformation Wars or their descendants the Puritans; as an answer to the question Am I One of The Elect? Using Im Rich! Thanks for the clarification. All the Catholic and Orthodox traditions, major liturgical Protestant groups like Lutheran and Anglican, and the Arminian/Methodist/Holiness line, which would include many Charismatics, Non-denominational, etc. Your voice is missing! Otherwise, you get dismissed as a hayseed rube who is barely literate and not qualified to question Calvinism. Carson D. James Kennedy J.I. And I am fully expecting at least one learned, reformed MAN to give me a tongue lashing. (I mean, Star Trek?). I still have those moments, though they are less prolonged than they used to be. But the rest of the bad stuff? Itook to reading Calvin, Sproul, Edwards, Grudem, Piper, et al. I never minded using it in the past because it was just a shorthand for my views on what it means to be saved by grace; I wasnt really arguing with anyone, and I figured as shorthand, it was alright. He discusses the rogue molecule that people bring up here a lot and says that if a single molecule where outside of Gods power, then it could thwart his will. Hopefully that will be winding down soon and Ill be able to get back on track this week or next. Hes what theologians call a simple Being. Not simple = not complex, but meaning that there is a Unity in whatever he does. I always get a smile on my face when I get an email whichcallsme out on my pitiful understanding of the faith. To give a sense of scale for word count well over 600,000: Rule of thumb for both manuscript format and mass-market paperback is 250 words/page. Reformed theology teaches that God in His grace and mercy has chosen to redeem a people to Himself, delivering them from sin and death. I have a couple key thoughts (key to me anyway) which have taken form as I have extricated myself from reformed theology over the past year: 1. I may post a little bit of my testimony and how I came to by position of being a non calvinist but for now just wanted to say thanks for this post and for all that you 2 do and for Wade as well and e-church! Am very sorry to read of your sils diagnosis. If this is so, its really astounding. I was aware of Reformed theology and had friends in each of those churches who tipped that way. I didnt really love Him then, either, He always seemed so distant. It does mean that Calvinist and non-Calvinist Christians alike will have a far more difficult time sitting under the Word of God together when both sides appeal to the nuclear arsenal of the World Wide Web. Instead of debating, try to learn from the other person. Its also what attracts many people to Calvinism nice boxes for everything, and rules connecting those boxes. I dont want to convince anyone of a certain brand of Christianity. But are *we* the measure of truth? The response to an authoritarian and oppressive environment is not to create another one where Calvinism is not tolerated. That is, the non-Calvinist can say whatever he or she wants and the Calvinist just has to take it. As leader of the Anti-Revolutionary Party in the Netherlands he served as Prime Minister of his country from 1901 to 1905. He didnt say to have faith in the Reformation, or Tulip, or Keller, or your pastor/elder, husband, or Mary. I dont understand, then, why, on your blog, you allowed a Calvinism Free For All. I didnt notice any Calvinists telling people that God wanted you to be raped, or something like that. He is a loving man in spite of the baloney flung his way. Earthquakes, tsunamis, category five tornadoes, decrepitude and death are all beyond our pay-grades to decide upon, much less get resolution from. And what is an ocean but a multitude of single drops? Why the pessimism? In spite of the fact that Sproul and Piper have said such things, i still consider them Christians. Grew up in Arlington.Christian (immigrant) family. There are anti-Calvinists with websites who have examples, quotes taken from books by pro-Calvinists where the pro-C equates Cal to the Gospel itself, their point being to hint that anyone not embracing Cal is not a Christian, then you have the Cals who come right out and say it. Righteousness: Imputed? For non-Calvinists, this can get very confusing since each claims that theirs is the real interpretation of Calvin. Tell himyou love himanyway. Calvin is a little deep to get through, not to mention that the language structure is about 500 years old and not written in English. I get what youre saying. Jeff S (and B for that matter), you sound like a good and kind man and a thoughtful speaker. But what I am hoping is that you, as well as me, can instead understand the objections so well that you can begin to understand why a few quotes from Calvin, along with a few Bible verses, do not answer the deeper questions. How can a bridge be built when the side you are attempting to reach constantly moves its shoreline back and forth in an effort to maintain its monolithic sovereignty as THE only standard of true Christian thought? I used to have the same problem talking with, or debating Roman Catholics, online. Meyer 17. (LogOut/ Do you share these thoughts? You have nothing to do with it. I cant make it all fit so I go with what I honestly believe and hold loosely to the conclusions. And I get better at flying (so to speak). On 1 March 2022, I started working for Faithlife, and have a new 'official' user account. Wehad the opportunityto spend the weekend with Wade and his family. This is what many people come away with when they read Piper, and the Pyromaniac blog, and encounter the Jarred Wilsons, Doug Wilsons, and others of the blogging world.. We are. The assuredness of the approach is arrogant. In a faith that is centered on love, (What greater love is this?) it is hard for me to understand why abused people are so often further destroyed by that faith as presented by others. My hubby got his first spiritual stirrings while watching a live performance of, Jesus Christ Superstar. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. To me, being fed pat answers is more analogous to being fed sawdust because fibre is good for you. I have to admit-this made me giggle. And those who have been left behind when theyve fallen in between, On the altar of the simple road is the blood of the messy gray 1 Systematic Theology Berkhof, Louis (Author) English (Publication Language) What about what God foreordained someone else to say that is different. I am going to quote liberally from Sprouls book Truths We Confess, Vol 1 about this section of WCF. I think this is true. If the person makes the comment because he/she believes its important that others should know that there are people who can be hurt by that conversation in real life, how should that affect the online discussion? Most churches teach Arminian theology. James P. Boyce<br>Ernest Reisinger is a Calvinist<br>I know Jerry Bridges is Reformed, but I'm not certain how many points he is<br><br><br>John MacArthur is Baptist, but he calls his church Community Church (unless fredman knows something I don't know about! Or reformed, predestined, predestination, sovereignty,. I have the utmost respect for my long-time regular reader and pastor who happens to be Calvinist, Craig Vick, who posted the following comment on my blog article where I was struggling with the doctrinal/abuse confusion: For what its worth, from now on Ill make sure I think of your story and the stories of others before I express my theology. A hearty AMEN numo. My experience with this cult gave me a starting point to question my need for God in my life and showed me how to trust God rather than blindly follow a man-led cult. http://www.seattlepi.com/news/us/article/Head-of-Southern-Baptist-school-marks-20-years-4780941.php. I need it. Wife (whose abusive first husband was one of the biggest drug dealers in the Midwest before she divorced him) was my Lamaze coach. And I kind of doubt youre on call to give your Testimony in church; it just doesnt jibe with the Conventional Christianese Testimony. I do believe that some brands have harmful elements that bring extra despair as if every day life doesnt bring enough. Of late it has been a struggle not yo become angry at some YRR who belittle my longtime walk with the Lord because I am not a Calvinist. . For my part, I honestly dont understand a need to defend Calvinism, or Luther, or the RCC, or Baptists, etc., etc. We really, really need it. Contemporary Famous Calvinists: D.A. We are only talking about it in this thread because someone brought it up as a challenge to Reformed theology. Barrett 29. . Paul Ellingworth William G. MacDonald James Strauss Philip Towner John Wenham Gary Habermas Nigel Turner Max Turner Peter Cotterell (?) You should consider it though it is a pretty long video. He, as I said previously, shows quotes by Calvinists during the video. That is what Jesus spoke against over and over in his short life.. Calvinists are Christians and Calvinists and non-Calvinist Christians share a multitude of common ideas and beliefs. I am having trouble keeping up with all the comments between the two. Id like to agree with both, if thats ok. We need exactly the right kind of nutrition at exactly the right kind, but maybe not the milky kind because we emerge from trauma both far too old and still too young. But when I look at others, I take a view that is closer to Arminian: that they have a responsibility to respond to the Gospel that is before them. Pastor daddy Mike Baker is furious and says he's been mistreated-"slander," etc. If its only might that makes right, right can be abused by caprice. Did you see my comment in the post about a nice Calvinist? Ultimately, they could be reading an interpretation of an interpretation, adding their own along the way. Heal their parents broken hearts and lives? And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, Which commandment is the most important of all? Jesus answered, The most important is, Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And thanks for your honest answers. I am currently reading Roger Olson's book, Against Calvinism. So thankful to be free, now. This reminds me of what the guy in the videos (Refuting Calvinism video series) was saying in one video. I dont believe that this is the scenario that Jesus presented to his disciples. As you can imagine, though, I am still reeling from the Aug. 4 diagnosis. However, there are a lot of us (from Liturgical Protestant churches, as well as the RCC, Orthodox churches, the German/Dutch anabaptist churches etc.) Im glad I know that now. I found an interweb site a while back that had a downloadable version of Calvins Pentateuch (as I call it, by analogy rather than because it contains five of anything in particular). I actually returned here wondering if you would even let my comment stand, considering you are being so charitable and I called Calvinism a horrible doctrine! Something like that. One forum in particular, no matter what web site or book title I threw out that pointed out flaws in Calvinism (TULIP/ Reformed same thing to me), the Calvinists would scoff and say each author I brought up could be dismissed because he doesnt understand Calvinism or presents a strawman of Calvinism. even when said authors quoted directly from the books of famous Calvinists. 5) Likewise, everything we do for others should NOT be because we love them, but to bring glory to God. There are 5 major points of disagreement between Calvinists and Arminians. Roger E. Olson(born 1952) is Professor of Theology,George W. Truett Theological Seminary,Baylor University,Waco, Texas, USA.[1][2]. @ Muff Potter: Ive tried to suss out how a good, all powerful God can exist at the same time as evil, and I just dont have an answer. Your voice is missing! However, I have repeatedly heard calvinists call other believers heretics and blasphemers because they disagree with a pillar of calvinism (eg, they have a different definition of Gods sovereignity, or they believe Christ died for the sins of all). The few times we have joined her at her church the pastor has focused on being examples of love and doing good in the community. I am not familiar with the guy in the video or the people behind that You Tube channel, nor have I investigated who they are and what they believe, so I may not be in agreement with all their views. Unfortunately, to some, that means I may not even be a Christian. If this is so, its really astounding. A person who is happy (if that word lacks depth for anyone, you could substitute hopeful, optimistic, joyful, grateful) can affect others with it, 3 generations worth (ie- someone with happiness holds a door for someone carrying a heavy load, that person is then affected positively and they in turn affect someone else with their bolstered happiness). For example onannihilationismhe commented that some evangelical theologians have "resurrected the old polemical labels of heresy and aberrational teaching" in order to marginalize other evangelicals holding the view (The mosaic of Christian belief, 2002). The Literature of the Old Testament (1913) [Chapter9], Introduction to the New Testament (1915) [Chapter9], https://laikostheologos.com/introduction-to-soteriology/%5B/footnote%5D, Cultural Dimension of Language andLiterature, Gods Sovereignty in relation to Mans sinfulacts. Bummer. Rank No. (Also, it would mean that God forced people to sin, since some of our thoughts, words, and deeds, are sinful. Open Discussion Page, 1 Corinthians 2:6-3:4Psalm 28:1-9Proverbs 20:24-25. Even the Bible uses hyperbole to make pointsa lot! Today I am addressing a post to non-Calvinists and will do the same for Calvinists on Monday. What Julie Anne is saying is also elaborated by Christa Brown in chapter 46 of her book This Little Light as well as here: http://www.stopbaptistpredators.org/ravagedfaith.html. To be fair to Calvin and Darwin, Im not a Bulbeckist. I do believe that some brands have harmful elements that bring extra despair as if every day life doesnt bring enough. This is a huge difference from the Calvinistas who dont. Now I dont see either of those reflected in what I know of historic Calvinism (and both are directly addressed in the WCF), but if some people want to say they believe those things, then those people are in error for believing them because they are unbiblical, not because they are unCalvinistic. Thanks for taking my comment in the way I intended. ++++++++++++. @ dee: Hey, my Lutheran background is a lot of things, but Calvinist it aint! Bailey Smith. The list consists of 89 members. Michael Horton, a Calvinist, did the forward to the book. I don't get him and he doesn't get me but we can still try to love and respect one another. I told her that we, as non-Calvinists, have to move beyond what we believe is the logical conclusion of their argument (God orchestrating evil and pain) and try to understand that somehow Calvinists, who suggest a God who allows for abuse, is actually a God of love. Notwithstanding, non-Calvinist Bible commentaries have largely become marginalized in our present day, with large Christian book publishers simply refusing to print them. But you didnt fall for it, elastigirl. People often pretend as though there is a dichotomy between Calvinism and Arminianism. But, as Ilook back, I am gratified bythe number of friends who have stayed the course through the years. I think Heb. Many Christian Protestant denominations trace their roots to John Calvin and the reformation movement. 1554-1612), who was trained in theology in a university (Cambridge), and Thomas Helwys (ca. Wasnt that we didnt know we had differences but we were Christians who were in it together. Here is where I part company with much of Christian ideology, and heres why: Earthquakes, tsunamis, category five tornadoes, decrepitude and death are all beyond our pay-grades to decide upon, much less get resolution from. This may sound like its contradictory, but I dont think it is. Here is my retort to everything you both said. But maybe there is just too much pain and hurt for that to be possible. Im sure you didnt mean every single one. Again, this idea that humans had no will to act is not something that the WCF, RC Sproul, or any Calvinist I know believes. Admittedly, Im not famous enough to have followers trying to define Bulbeckism. I recently engaged the discussion on Denny Burks website regarding the PC(USA) rejecting the song In Christ Alone because of the line The wrath of God was satisfied. For example, I will admit that I do not see how a good, all powerful God can exist while evil also exists. Again, living in a 3 dimensional world, that makes little sense. Does not compute. I tend to doubt it but who knows. But when our theories about how god works become more beloved to us than God himself, theyre just idols. And its not because we cant or are unwilling (as in errant school children who just need some tutoring) to accept, Gods ways to be different from ours.. Off my nursing soapbox . The guy wearing glasses in the video gave an interesting explanation, though he chose to use the Fall in the Garden, rather than a more contemporary example. thurgood marshall school of law apparel Projetos; bubble buster 2048 town Blog; cell defense the plasma membrane answer key step 13 Quem somos; how to make a good elder scrolls: legends deck Contato; Considering the amount of people we are seeing who have had these experiences, I wish the accusations about misrepresenting the Reformed/Calvin/Tulip systems would take a back seat. And no, I did not. Sydney Anglicans are Calvinist, Moore College is strongly Calvinist, as of course are the Presbyterians and some Baptists. This way of thinking goes against what Calvin said about freewill, the Westminster Confession of Faith says about freewill, and what every Calvinist Ive ever met says about freewill. Wade is never too tired to defend what he believes, and he will not eschew the oppositions venue. We all went to Bostons Youthtimeno mention of Calvinism, Armininism or in between like me. Even though I rejected Calvinism, I was not (nor have I ever been) a universalist, I still believed in Gods sovereignty, etc. I dont know how else God can allow his creation to be truly free, if he steps in each and every time somebody decides to hurt somebody else, or if He removes all evil from society all the time. *If we disagree, let us disagree on what we see in Scripture, not on our own sense of right and wrong. Tell othersthat such thinking hurts you but do not expect them to understand. I also want to learn to be a bit more like Olson, showing kindness in the midst of disagreement. Please, please, please, keep us posted on your son in law. Was your family Christian? Hence, your free will is categorically subject to Gods absolute control (meaning, God allowing is functionally the exact same thing as Him not allowing; anything that happens happens as a direct function of his will, either via that positive (allowing) or the negative (not allowing)in either case, your free will is utterly under Gods sovereign control. Im sure God knew about it going in, and I know He/She wept even though at the time I felt abandoned by all the universe. Why is Calvin even part of the discussion, period? Have you forgotten his evangelism tours where there were great multitudes of rebaptisms? As Ive said, the idea that evil exists at all with an all powerful and good God troubles me, and I do not have an answer for it. Who did he think he was? He said he found comfort from it. And when I talk of Calvinism, Im not talking about the way he viewed the authority of the church. I know. The larger discussion is one I think those who wish to explore this issue would find interesting, but I simply cannot quote all of it (and I hope its OK to quote as much as I do here- if this will create legal issues for the blog, please strike the comment). Pray for him. Because their first and most precious assumption is that truth is forever beyond any human agency. Some Calvinists who want to make a distinction between hyper calvinism and proper Calvinism will gravitate to these equivocations in an effort to convince youand I suspect themselvesthat God in their construct is not some despotic puppet master who controls all things including abuse, rape, etc (e.g. Unless I either stop believing what I think is true or shut up about it, it seems I will forever put in a box of this nonsense, unloving idea that God is the author of evil and we are mindless automatons. (Sorry, elastigirl, but you were so honest about the kind of God we all want that I have to use your example.) +++++++++++++++++. He remarked that our theology was illogical. Association of Related Churches That Cals portray Cal in so many ways, even on the same points, adds another layer of confusion to the conversation for me. Both groups will say you dont understand their views/religion, or they say you are misrepresenting them (even if you really are not and have read lots of books by ex, or current, members of their groups who explain what the group believes). What you describe is nothing like what I believe nor anyone I know believes. Recent Arminians include Charles Finney, Dwight Moody, Billy Graham, Rick Warren and most other "mainline" preachers and evangelists. You can find this sort of material by googling for it. @ Bridget: You will need to register to get access to all the features that our community has to offer. I think these are minor issues, but it is what it is. I DO know of Calvinists who stay away from these blogs excuse they feel they are unwelcome, even though they very much wish to fight against abuse. I was a Jesus Movement convert, too in 1972. Welcome to Baptist Board, a friendly forum to discuss the Baptist Faith in a friendly surrounding. I pretty much agree with everything JeffB says here. But I can say, knowing what I now know about God, that God would never ever ever have set the evil I suffered in place intentionally. It sounds like you are making a systematic presentation of theology the gospel. Green 27. I know you know how to do that because Ive seen you do it at ACFJ. Calvinism did not start with John Calvin. I will be honest JeffS and JeffB , I am often confused by the moving target that you described before.