He is an obvious counter for Magnetos ultimate and he can really hurt Defenders with his ultimate. Wasp works best with Ant-Man because Ant-Man applies Evade to her at the start of every combat which means that she always can stun if they are on the same team. Someone could find that she will benefit more from increased Crit Strike from the Raider class, but at the first glance, I consider it as a mistake. That is my opinion according to skill descriptions and synergies but it will prevent you from using Silver Surfer in Defense, where he can be truly amazing. Bullseye is a Mercenary Blaster who harasses enemies with massive damage to the single target. Cloak is a City New Warrior who works best with Dagger causing immense damage and swarming enemies with negative effects. Bullseye is a part of the Mercenary team who can assist every Taskmasers attack and as such, he needs to be maximized whenever possible. Colleen Wings price is 100 shards for a reason she fully deserves it and as soon as she becomes available for farming by any means you shouldnt wait a second. Considering that Mercenary Riot Guard is a very useful protector, his price is low only 15 shards obtainable through blitz supplies, blitz orbs, milestone orbs, and premium orbs. MBakus price is 45 shards obtainable through Arena Store. Her special skill attacks the primary target causing up to 350% Damage and applying Stun and Heal Block. Passive ability enables Invisible Woman to freely attack an enemy who attacked any Fantastic Four ally with a barrier and increases her, Fantastic Four allies and Namors Health by up to 20%. Spider-Man Symbiotes price is 180 shards which were obtainable through login Events but now he is available only through Milestone Orbs.. Additionally, Polaris places Barrier on the most injured non-summoned ally equal to 10% of her Max Health. Infinity Watch starts with immunity on all members at the start of battle meaning that Baron Zemos offensive combinations will be useless. Hulk is an incredibly tough taunter who gets stronger when damaged, Hero, Global, Bio, Protector, Wave I Avenger. Her second skill clears all negative effects from her and her allies and generates additional ability energy to 4 allies. Hero, Global, Bio, Brawler, Mutant, Mercenary, X-Force. Medic is a S.H.I.E.L.D. Colossus is the X-Men Protector who is almost impossible to be killed and who punishes every attack against him. Wolverine is a mutant armed with adamantium claws that ignore armor and tear through his opponents. With the introduction of the Red Skull, the Hydra team becomes META in Alliance War Defense. Sams special also provides 1-2 random allies and 2-3 Skill Allies with an additional Ability Energy point. Marvel Strike Force: Sinister Sixes and Sevens - Nerds on Earth I am not a big fan of Healer class or Regeneration buffs but if someone already is placing Regeneration it might be best to emphasize the healing with more Regenerations. Her second ability redistributes total team health evenly, grants Deflect to each ally, and has a 50% chance to additionally apply DefenseUp on each ally. Her second skill causes moderate damage but clears positive effect from the enemy and grants Stealth to Elektra. With this team, you will be able to win against much stronger teams regardless of team composition and you will have problems only against custom Ultron teams and much stronger Asgardians in the Alliance War. Aristocrat and Hydra commander, Baron Zemo is fueled by contempt for the weak and deals extra damage to minions. Kingpin passive grants chance for Team Attack for any villain-hero in the team. Agent Coulson is very expensive for a reason. Monstrosity is a massive brute that gains strength at the expense of vulnerability. Venom needs extra Focus to place his debuffs so equipping him with Skirmisher ISo-8 class in an obvious course of action. His first skill causes heavy damage and applies one or two random negative effects. Otherwise, he should be added to the Mercenary team. His price is 45 shards, obtainable through Premium Orbs, Sabretooths Blitz, and Raid Store. Nobu is very expensive considering his abilities, and his price is 100 shards obtainable through Premium Orbs, Mega Orbs, and Alliance War Store. Someone would say that he already has increased Focus but in the end game, every additional percent of Focus is more than needed. Medic and Nick Fury come very handily in Raids, especially for Skill and Global nodes. After finding a way to beat S.H.I.E.L.D. However, his full potential can only be seen in the Alliance War. A.I.M. Passive ability grants Doctor Doom summoning of one Doombot per turn: 2 or more Doombot allies grant Doctor Octopus Defense Up for 2 Turns3 or more Doombot allies grant Doctor Octopus Speed Up for 2 Turns4 or more Doombot allies grant Doctor Octopus Offense Up for 2 Turns. With her in team Astonishing X-Men become the strongest Raid team in the game without a doubt and they are capable of dealing with almost all synergy teams in Alliance War and Real-Time Arena except very few meta Teams that rely on Immunity. In beginning the sole purpose of A.I.M. Passive ability grants Cyclops 1 Charge on his every turn and every X-Men turn up to a maximum of 20 when fully upgraded. This team poses a great threat to anyone who is about to attack them. Jessica Jones is a resilient fighter who removes positive effects from enemies and clears negative effectsfrom allies. In-depth heroes and minions information and guides. Taskmaster | MARVEL Strike Force Database abilities Gear & Stats Taskmaster VILLAIN GLOBAL SKILL CONTROLLER MERCENARY UNDERWORLD A master of combat mimicry, Taskmaster uses his skill to steal positive effects from enemies. Captain Marvel is a powerful cosmic soldier who breaks down the defenses of multiple foes and gains overwhelming power in Binary form. At the same time, it grants Defense Up to Stature and 1 random Pym Tech or Hero Bio ally. Her first skill inflicts medium damage to a single target, flip Deathproof from that target, and deals minimum piercing damage to most injured enemy ignoring Taunt in the process. With her Wakandan team becomes at least usable. Additionally, she applies Deflect to Drax if he is in her team. MARVEL Strike Force - MSF.gg Carnage will obviously work best with Venom and the rest of Symbiots but he could be a great asset in any squad filled with Heroes who can apply negative effects (Quake, Pyro, etc..). His first skill inflicts medium damage and clears up to 3 positive effects on the enemy if the enemy is under Defense Down effect. This ability is repeated up to 4 times and it fills Speed Bar for all Black Order and Thanos allies while reducing Speed Bar of all enemies depending on the number of Black Order allies. The price of Venom is 45 shards and he is available through Premium Orbs, Mega ORbs and The Nexus 6-9 Campaign mission. This attack cannot be avoided and it always crits. Karnak is a Cosmic Inhuman Controller who slows enemies and flips their buffs into negative effects. Security is a resilient guard who taunts while healing herself and slowing her enemies, Villain, Global, Tech, Protector, A.I.M., Minion. They all operate under the Ravager code. Additionally, the damage of entire Infinity Watch teams is permanently increased by up to 30%. A.I.M. His statistics are quite good and he, like other Hand minions, has a decent dodge chance. All adjacent targets receive up to 200% Piercing damage and Defense Down for 1 turn. Taskmasters price is 45 shards currently available only in Mimic Master Orbs. Negasonic is a heavy hitter who plays very often since her Speed Bar is filled after every enemy turn. Miles Morales controls the field with web blasts and electrical shocks that prolong negative effects and apply Disrupted. If this skill is fully upgraded, it will be always assisted by an ally Corvus Glaive. Maria Hill is arguably the best healer in the game currently. When we know that Venom, Carnage, Spider-Man Symbiote, and now Scream, can literally swarm the entire enemy formation with negative effects we come to the conclusion that Symbiots will have almost all existing buffs during the entire battle. Spider-Man Symbiote is a Bio Brawler who weakens enemies with each strike and who grants healing and draining for his Symbiote and Hero Spider-Verse allies in Raids and in Dark Dimension. Obviously, Cloak is a member of another duo in MSF (Longshot/Shatterstar; Moonknight/White Tiger ). Passive ability grants him additional damage and increased Critical Damage if Iron Man is allied. It is important to say that she can always remove negative effects and that she is a killing machine. The core of this team is Scientist Supreme, Graviton and A.I.M. Normally, Ebony Maw can use both of these skills only once per battle but since Tanos will give him energy with every kill, he will have those two most important skills ready for use at any time. Baron Zemo is a Hero specialized for Alliance War Offense who can show his power only when he is in a team with Crossbones, Winter Soldier, and Hydra Grenadier. Thanos ultimate hits all targets for 210% of his base damage and drains 100% of the damage done. This can occur only once in combat per each Inhuman ally. Drax is a Guardian Protector capable of withstanding a ridiculous amount of damage. S.H.I.E.L.D. His special skill is almost identical to his first skill but now he can remove positive effects from enemies and he applies 2 Bleeds instead of just 1. Alliances are tasked with staying organized in their plan of attack with Alliance leaders having the ability to mark certain rooms for attack or as off-limits. Also, this team is capable of clearing all nodes in Ultimus 6 without using healing packs. Passive ability grants her chance (100% on Level 5) to gain Charge at the start of combat, increases her maximum HP for each Guardian ally, and heals all allies for a portion of her Max Health at the start of each turn. Practically she can do everything. team. Monstrosity is an A.I.M. At the first glance, it is obvious that Polaris will be a nightmare for Emarauders and Doctor Octopus Sinister Six but in my opinion, her Skillset allows X-Factor to compete even against Black order and Astonishing X-Men (even though Jubilee is a heavy counter for Multiple Man). She opens the fight by cleansing all buffs from all enemies and practically prevent her target from playing for 2 whole turns. After the initial attack, it makes up to 3 Bonus attacks causing up to 60% Piercing damage +20% Piercing per Shadowland ally. Her first skill inflicts heavy damage to the target and has a 40% chance for one or two bonus attacks. Sharons ultimate clears all positive effects on the primary target causing up to 300% damage and placing Stun and Slow. The introduction of Cyclops will definitely strengthen the already powerful X-men team. The trick is that when you face Ultron on the opposite side you use Magnetos special skill that applies Disrupt instead of mass blind.