6. My natal is gemini rising and now progressed to cancer. November 2011 We can ask ourselves what feeds our souls and what nourishes us most deeply. May 2013 Coy? My prog. You might take on negative energy very easily, so placing yourself in environments that support your growth can be really helpful. Order now and get 20% off with the coupon code ARIES. Synastry is an area of astrology dedicated to looking at romantic compatibility and potential between two people. The chart does not reveal an absolute health diagnosis, but shows potential vulnerabilities. I moved across the country. Remember that an opposition to the Ascendant is also a conjunction to the Descendant. angeloracle answered: The square can really make someone paranoid about others. While the myth does not associate Hygeia directly with healing per se, but hygiene and prevention, we can certainly see an immediate correlation of the asteroid Hygeia with remedy, noticeably present in the charts of doctors, traditional healers, or medical researchers. I am not even sure if our friends know were dating. French scientist, biochemist and bacteriologist, considered the founder of preventative medicine. Its also because, our davison chart is basically inverted from our composite chart. ALL in capricorn, other than the sun, which is in aquarius, but still in the first house. With Hygeia conjunct Uranus, we can see research done in the field of medicine. Composite Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in the Houses . But, since Im Aries Sun in my natal chart, I have to say I rather like me more this way. Get your complete birth chart and learn how all the planets influence your life and personality.Start reading , Overcome pains from your past to give create a happier future.Start reading , Reveal the dreamy influence Neptune could have on your love life over the next 12 months. ahh! Scorpio rising with Uranus conjunct ascendant with a guy once. February 2017 Can anyone give anymore insight into our relationship. also pluto (end of house 6) opposition ascendent ?? After tossing out an Alcholic/Narcissist from my personal life (Im soooo tired of helping people) Im working on my own wound that leads me to do repairs. In addition to above, a composite chart I looked at showed that our composite Ascendant for me and my love interest was Capricorn. Piya on November 30, 2014 at 1:21 pm said: I had Neptune crossing my Aquarius ascendant at some point and it's still in my first house, though thankfully it's on its way out. December 2020 This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. My progressed Moon is in Taurus in the 10th house. They may appear to be a bit out of step with their contemporaries. Scorpio Moon and/or in House 4 (or Pluto in . Neptune Conjunct Ascendant. Entrepreneurial, dynamic, physical energy, sports together, implusive? Looking forward to Taurus. Overview: Neptune takes approximately 164 years to come full circletoo long to complete a cycle through our natal charts. What kind of chart is this from? Examples of Hygeia in the charts of individuals who have contributed to medical research and healing: Alois Alzheimer Aloysius Alzheimer was a German psychiatrist and neuropathologist. June 2016 Neptune -- the god of the vast sea -- also rules the subconscious. which has its Moon at 3 Aquarius and . Your Neptune in Aquarius grants you a deep sense of knowing that goes beyond what your mind can explain. March 2014 Ive always appeared as a cold,detached,quiet and nerdy person.Its a relief to find out that it is because of my prog. January 2012 Progressed Asc in 27 Gem, progressed Mercury in a square in Pisces, also trining Saturn. Mercury square Mars, Jupiter & Neptune Venus conjunct Pluto Mars conjunct Neptune Jupiter conjunct Neptune Lilith in Aries opposite Sun Eros in Capricorn conjunct Jupiter Juno in Virgo. People have several times said bluntly to our face that Im too good looking for him (idiots). The current Right Ascension is 23h 39m 20s and the Declination is -03 34 03. The realm may be as mundane as the imagination or as wild as an LSD trip. Those really close to us know were fiery. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. June 2013 June 2017 It is a placement that brings about a capacity for abstract writing and speaking skills. Though its also opposite Jupiter in my progressed chart. This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. I am currently a progressed Aquarius. The preventive approach adopted by Pasteur can be identified by both Hygeia in the 4th house, the house that relates to protection, nurturing, and incubation, as well as Pluto and Chiron in the 6th house, which relates to sterilization methods. These cherry picked examples give us a thread to continue the exploration of this potent and intriguing asteroid and archetype. Or the asteriod position of Chiron, Juno, Vesta, Pallas, etc. Neptune dissolves our psychological and physiological boundaries through the vehicle of confusion and ambivalence which allows us to float beyond our perceived limitations. If you have this aspect in your natal chart, you may be able to see outside your culture and your time with clarity, taking others on dream-like journeys to far-away . It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. October 2013 Pluto takes approximately 248 years to come full circle. I know the Mars conjunct gave us a RAR! Answer (1 of 4): "What does it mean if my Neptune in Aquarius is in my 1st house unaspected?" Behaviorally, others interpret you as a spacy person. It often brings more love and affection and can be a good influence on relationships, even signaling the start of a significant new relationship. Pamela Lee Anderson has Eros conjunct Moon (in Aries) opposite Mars, square Mercury, and trine Venus. My progressed ASC is in Leo and the pr. Astrology provides a cosmic perspective on EVERY aspect of our lives, from parental influence, career development, relationship dynamics, to health on all levels. We met at college. Shall be interesting. Neptune Transit Conjunct Ascendant. Neptune on the ascendant suggests that you are extremely sensitive. scorpio asc conj pluto, but both of us are scorpio asc and each pluto conj each other asc so this is very very intense and deep, private almost secret relationship with a sence of fatality. Aries ascendant. I can't find the meaning for it other than the great 2020 conjunction. August 2020 It is also associated with intuition and spiritual enlightenment. Six Planets Changing Signs In March, 2023: Dates & Details, Weekend Love Forecast Leo Moon Mood With Some Dramatic STYLE, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. Sent 3-5 times a week. I should really look into it more but I dont really feel the effects that much. July 16, 2021. February 2018 I've heard of Algol and it's a very scary sign. We often get told you are a lovely couple. If you have an Aquarius ascendant or an early Pisces ascendant or if your older and have already gone through Neptune transit ascendant/first house please let me know your experience! It will change its sign and transit into Pisces on 20 April 2022 at 20:14 hours. I cant imagine what will happen when I move over to Leo sometime next year. When I was a progressed Pisces rising, I went to an astrology conference. My daughter and I have an Aquarius rising in our composite . Sun Conjunct Ascendant. With a Scorpio ascendant youll have a subtle and compelling power about you. 2023 will bring powerful changes as Saturn will be moving into Pisces in March! September 2020 so many aspects to untangle! August 2019 Children are a big part of our lifes too. some guy behind me blew on my neck the whole time, acting like he was doing nothing.. Share the story - all about planet Neptune on the ascendant "Say it's only a paper moon" When drawing up a personal horoscope for the individual, one of the first things an astrologer will look at is the rising sign, located at the 9 'o clock point on the 'natal chart' or 'birth chart'. Neptune conjunct ascendant natal placement indicates enhanced sensitivity. Neptune-North-Node people often quite literally follow their dreams. The realms of Neptune require an understanding and acceptance of the non-rational, the fantastical, and the transcendent. This is both a blessing and a curse, it is a great challenge to exist in this noisy world if you are a highly sensitive person. Progressed Ascendant Ruler (in my Progressed Chart, that is) would be the Sun, which is in Scorpio, conjunct both my Progressed and my Natal Pluto. Progressed Ascendant moved to Virgo this year; natally 28 degrees Cancer. Neptune Transits The Crises of Disconnectedness - Lynn Koiner Scorp Asc, Uranus rising. Edinburgh, Scotlnad, 55N57, 3W13. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. Though, I DO wonder what that p.Mars shifting to Pisces will bring. On a personal level, the excuse of being overwhelmed and dissociated from others will grow tiresome. Neptune in the Astrological Houses and Signs: Inspiration - Astrotheme December 2018 Like Uranus, Neptune is a slow-moving planet, almost twice slower since he takes some 164 years to travel around the Zodiac. April 2017 , Progressed Asc at 20 Libra, prog Venus exactly conjunct prog Mercury at 9 Aries, opposing my natal Neptune in Libra. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. August 2016 Im just off the phone with a client whose progressed ascendant will move from Pisces to Aries within a year. Youll have to take responsibility for all your behaviors. When my pr. August 2018 Posts: 4532 From: Registered: Aug 2011: . The four important angles on a chart are the Ascendant (cusp of the 1st house) Descendant . In this conjunction, Jupiter and Neptune will be meeting in the sign of Pisces. Extreme is another keyword for this aspect. Only one degree or so left to go. March 2016 . . It's important to understand the meaning of the 12th house. Ive been pretty shy all my life. It is conjunct Vesta and will in four degrees conjunct my natal sun. Pallas Athena conjunct the Ascendant. Allow me to explain. When transiting Pluto forms a conjunction with your natal ascendant, you will enter a powerful period of time. Henny Youngman. December 2021 Yet this is an elusive planet which on the one hand represents fantasy, imagination, dreams, the spiritual realm and on the other hand is about confusion, unclarity, sacrifice, addiction. Let me tell you, it is damn difficult following rules right now. Uranus conjunct Neptune is a rare alignment that occurs every 168 years. Astrologically, some of the most significant Uranus transits you'll experience in your life occur between the ages 20-22, 27-29, 40-42, 55-57, and 63-65, when the planet of disruption makes a . I have saturn conjunct ascendant and moon in virgo and feel so heavy especially in head as 'non working' and jammed. Mercury Conjunct Neptune Natal. You are using an out of date browser. The position of Neptune in your natal chart reveals how intuitive and dreamy you are and whether your life takes any spiritual turn. But with those elements of 2 waters and 2 fires I steam, you may see smoke out my ears. 8 Leo Celebrities That Represent This Zodiac Sign Best | StyleCaster This planetary combination gives a compassionate, spiritual, kind, and concerned outlook, belief system, or perspective. These placements often depend on generation impact. However, they can be very dominative and bossy when it comes to seeing their plans come to fruition. Venus sextile ascendant affection display most probably , This makes me want to ask a question on the difference between composite chart and Davison chart. Ive been looking at mine and hubbys composite chart today Leo rising with chart ruler Sun in 5th conjunct Mercury. Aries composite ascendant. Ketu conjunct other planets - psychologically astrology like, how do we alter the descriptions of the houses for a composite? In the natal chart, Uranus-Ascendant aspects show how provocative, different, or rebellious you appear. Sun in Capricorn to Aquarius. . Sent 5 times a week. Power and control issues are a constant theme in your close relationships and can cause problems if you get too bossy. Here we can play as masters of time, imagining our best possible outcomes and remembering that our potential is limitless. ; no difference in response to me. > Neptunes in Scorpio is intense, mysterious, and magnetic. This person really knows what he likes and has pretty eccentric tastes. Main Aspect: 114', applying square to Neptune in Capricorn. Neptune in Aquarius still quietly whispers that separation is an illusion -- our past is part of our future and the future is soon to be the present. August 2015 . P. Asc in mid-Leo, with p. sun exact on the n. node and square p. Neptune. January 11, 2013 by AstroManda. . Id like to be able to let it heal but this situation feels intriguing His natal moon AND sun are conjuct to my sun, this could be intense in any stretch of imagination. Sure, why not? Some measure of this is exhilarating. Alzheimer disease is a neurodegenerative disease that affects memory, speech, and orientation. Sun in Aquarius. In early 2014 the Asc will shift to Cancer, curious how thats going to work out. so.. planets conjunction the ascendant will greatly influence the natives outer sphere of their persona.. this planets energies will meld into the characteristics of the sign . December 2016 The Pisces was very difficult in regard to sensitivity. July 2015 This is probably because you have a deep need to trust that the social fabric of your life is true and strong. While her father was more directly associated with healing, she was associated with the prevention of sickness and the continuation of good health. March 2020 What is your composite ascendant? Your grip on the real world is loose; you need to grasp it more firmly. Claus Von Stauffenberg was enormously courageous and a brilliant example of Neptune conjunct the North Node in Astrology. Your planet of action is joined to your promoter and you show your talents prominently. There could be big changes in your life and society as a whole. Taurus with Mars conjunct. However, Neptune can also bring a lot of natural creativity into your life too. In my chart, for example, I have the ruler of the 8th house . When Neptune takes a backward float through Aquarius, though, we actually experience a time of personal lucidity and insight. Theres not much info out there about 4th house stelliums in the composite chart but everything suggests that its intimate regardless of the fact that it is a friendship. The other had Mars conjunct Asc and Saturn square. My ascendant will progress to Pisces this month. Not quite like scorpio rising intensity, though. You notice energy around you, and you easily absorb it too. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. Its kind of hard to describe. June 2015 If we talk about the Neptune Transit 2022 Dates, it is travelling in the Aquarius sign at the beginning of the year 2022. What is a Neptune conjunct? Composite Neptune to Composite Saturn With Composite Saturn conjunct Composite Neptune, you need to combine practical energy with whimsy, the tangible and the spiritual, the real with the imagined, and this can be difficult to do. Aquarius is the sign of new age and revolutionary ideas. Start reading , Want to know if YOUR Neptune is in Aquarius? Neptune-North-Node people often quite literally follow their dreams. October 2015 And Aquarius ruling over this house has to be the greatest contradiction of all time. Louis Pasteur What is a Neptune conjunct? - Aquarius Age Strong and independent. Neptune in Aquarius Meaning and Personality Traits | Ryan Hart Neptune conjunct the ascendant leads to fluid loss around the face, causing premature wrinkling. It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. I also have this overwhelming need to travel, see the world and meet people. How do you find the dispositor in astrology? January 2016 You will also begin to perceive the world more through your feelings under this spiritual enlightening transit. You will receive an email within 24 hours please check spam folder. I so love, love and relationships! Hygeia is conjunct Aloiss Sun and Uranus in Gemini on the Ascendant angles. Even if you are not bossy then you could be dominated and you could not handle that. Brainstorm: Moon/Neptune Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Moon and Neptune. It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. SO there is a LOT of saturnian energy. November 2012 November 2022 It can act positively or negatively like any other astrological symbol on the horoscope. . Saturn Transits in the Houses The strong features of our chart are also those that can be overused and wear out. Haha. . Sun trine Pluto in 9th house Virgo. As the house of home and family, it is associated with caring and nurturing. hee-hee. neptune conjunct ascendant in aquarius. November 2016 For example, Neptune obscures, adds a shimmer of chameleon-like essence. In astrology, the North Node a node being the point in the sky where the Sun and Moon cross paths represents the collective vibe or energy we're moving toward, and the South Node represents the area of our lives that requires a releasing or letting . February 2020 Hygeia is square his Saturn in Taurus which relates to skin conditions with reference to the Anthrax vaccine. Composite Neptune in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology Ceres conjunct the Ascendant. This is an ideal time to reflect on your own uniqueness and how you contribute to this world. . We are a Scorpio composite Ascendent, and as it happens your description youll have a subtle and compelling power about you. The house the ruler of the 8th falls into in one's natal chart can be the area or sector of life in which a person may potentially die. In Greek as well as Roman mythology, Hygieia (also Hygiea or Hygeia) was one of the Aeclepiadae; the sons and daughters of the god of medicine, Asclepius, and the goddess of healing, Epione. Dates when Neptune was in Scorpio: Oct 19th, 1956, to Jun 15, 1957. More secretive and mysterious. Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want, Natal Charts vs Progressed vs Solar Or Lunar Returns, Jupiter Uranus: Truth Upended - Changing Worldview. What Does it Mean to Have Planets Conjunct the South Node in Synastry? April 2016 August 2022 We appear hardworking, but also extremely popular and charming. April 2019 Required fields are marked *. Im definitely more intense and perhaps deeper person than I was with Libra Rising. Weve got a Gemini rising composite. February 2016 They are major players as angles are the most personal points of your chart. So we seem innocent yet persnickity? When Jupiter and Neptune connect, we deal with matters related to our outlook, spirit, beliefs, understanding, and perceptions. You really do have alot of energy in this house. January 2021 Do you feel the leo Tall?hair? Sense of self, self-ego etc is hit. Composites are amazing. ASC will shift to Virgo, pr. There we have a Libra ascendant and moon conjunct IC instead of Midheaven, Taurus. and cousin 2 has a scorpio stellium. Pluto in Aquarius - the Transition - Astrodienst EXPLORE TAROT.COM I also became elusive and isolated from others, and I became increasingly dependent on caffeine, whereas before I hadn't regularly drunk coffee or tea. This is a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, as the last time these two planets came together in the sign of Pisces was 1856 and it won't happen again until 2188. If they are leo rising, theyre still homebodies, because of someting else in their chart. November 2013 Aquarius eats this up. A square can introduce an effect that is seemingly at odds with the overall appearance. My best friend and her husband have very little astrological compatibility. Septile - 7th harmonic aspect. In a synastry chart, the Moon conjunct Neptune aspect is considered to be one of the most powerful and mystical astrological connections. Eros in Synastry Aspects - Astrology Anonymous dare devils? We have a Scorpio Asc conjunct Moon and Neptune. Mercury Rx (new ruler) will be exactly conjunct in Aquarius. Uranus Conjunct Neptune Natal Uranus conjunct Neptune natal gives unique creative talents [] Ascendant tightly conjunct Ceres. Moon in Pisces. Sign up here! 2023 will bring powerful changes as Saturn will be moving into Pisces in March! May 2020 Her place in the chart (by sign, house, and aspects) describes health vulnerabilities (physical or mental), and healing capacities (recovering from ailments or healing other people). One of my good friends and I have a Virgo ASC. As the 11th sign in the zodiac, Aquarius rules over the 11th House of Groups and Visions. His Natal Mars/Pluto sits on my Pluto and is in the 12th house for me, approaching my asc His Venus directly on my ASC. JavaScript is disabled. As for Mars, its still in Gemini & mashed up with Venus, like in my natal chart. This is a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, as the last time these two planets came together in the sign of Pisces was 1856 and it wont happen again until 2188. You have a magnetic personality in a super "sunny" way. My progressed ASC is in early degrees Aquarius. Harry Styles. Why Planets Conjunct the Angles Are So Important But I've yet to indicate it in my chart. grand trine involving mars and saturn. August 2013 Hi, I ordered a progressed chart from another website, and it looks just like the sample you have for Angelina Jolie. Natal Neptune Conjunct Ascendant ~ Social Sympathy - AstroMatrix I have a Aquarius Progressed Asc, and Venus Conjunction. You expect sympathy from others for your problems which does not happen so self-pity is a motif. If you were born with Neptune in Aquarius, your subconscious mind is intermingled with your connections with others. Im a progressed Aries rising. Uranus Sign: What Your Uranus Placement Means Astrologically - Vice Therefore, Neptune is more of a collective symbol in the natal chart, unless he is linked to a sensitive point such as an angle or a personal planet through aspects, or if he is the ruler of the Ascendant, the Midheaven, or a stellium. July 2017 February 2019 Ketu conjunct Sun can cause problems as self-confidence is primarily affected if the Sun is weak. Uranus and Gemini are both archetypes immediately related to brain function, memory, and the nervous system. The Moon and the 4th house relate to motherhood, female influence, and female anatomy. With this reading you receive. This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. This is an interesting combination that can manifest in intriguing ways. August 2021 Given the circusmstances of our meeting and our personal situation, us coming together looks very much externally like something crazy to do. Those two are a fastidious couple. Jupiter Conjunction Neptune in Pisces 2022. It is as if you exist halfway between the real world and some higher dimension. It's this astrological point that symbolically represents our entry to the world. The action of Neptune, taking place as it does, in the remotest fastnesses of the soul causes deep-seated upheavals of the personality. Venus tightly square Neptune. Smart and able to reason with clarity of mind, he wants to rely more on facts than on feelings. Neptune Retrograde is a perfect time to reconsider our dreams, our ideals, and most importantly, our future. There could also be an undercurrent of guilt running through this relationship. Add Jupiter to the ascendant and you get a cheery effect, or a bigger presence, or on a bad day, perhaps you're a bit much. People born from 1990 to 1996 have this major planetary aspect in their chart within a 5 orb of influence. Having had pr. Neptune conjunct the ascendant can make you look like a Pisces rising. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Kinda interesting, since I have a very loose sun-Neptune trine natally. Eros-Ascendant: The Eros person takes immediate notice of the Ascendant person. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. The man with the Ascendant in Aquarius is a true philosopher and a generous character who thinks of many ways to make the world better. vibe, it was uncanny the take no prisoners tude that constellated. How You Will Die, According To Astrology, Pluto And The 8th House December 2011 In the best of cases, you can help one another to make your fantasies reality. They use your birth city. In the Chart You will receive an email within 24 hours please check spam folder. Progressed Gemini ASC with Mercury in Aries in the 10th. My ASC is @29 Cap (according to Astro.com) and my Saturn is @29 Leo. Neptune Conjunct Ascendant Transit. Anything would be helpful. PLANETS This article is included in the Angles: Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven & IC Astrology eBook. That period of time saw me increasingly become my partner's carer as her health worsened, and increasingly I developed compassion fatigue. Im not sure quick to anger and immature? neptune conjunct ascendant in aquarius February 2021 Im definitely feeling all in my head. Note For Capricorn (Rising) With Saturn In Libra, Full Moon in Virgo: March 7, 2023 Mutable T-Square Distractions, Saturn in Pisces: Defend Against Gaslighting, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. July 2016 Neptune represents dreams, fantasies, addictions, spirituality, and compassion. Underestimating People & Misjudging Synastry, Synastry: The Astrological Study Of Love & Relationships. From an Evolutionary Astrology perspective, health and wellness are not to be analyzed merely as an isolated matter, but part of the holistic perspective on the whole spectrum of our soul journey. Overall vitality is low, life is confused. This is the placement that represents how you look when you are together. Hunting big game, figuratively speaking? uhmm. this looks kind of intense, and i would appreciate any thoughts.. March 2017 Hygeia positioned in Aquarius on Pasteurs North Node, the sign related to brain function and nervous system, along with lungs and respiratory organs. Sun Venus Mercury conjunct, and good Jupiter stuff. What Kashmiri said about not wanting to follow orders resonates with me now. June 2019 First House Planets - Neptune Conjunct The Ascendant Celebrities Anyway, it said my Asc was at 0 Degrees of Gemini, but when I look at it on astro.com it still says 29 Taurus, not to change until late November. January 2022 Neptune in Aquarius: How It Shapes Your Personality - i.TheHoroscope.co April 2022 Neptune sits far above most of the solar system, giving it a high-level view that feels almost extra-dimensional. People who have Pluto in the First House often possess some kind of inexplicable magnetism. July 2019 Creativity, fun and games! As of TODAY, my progressed moon moves into Leo, which is also my progressed ascendant. February 2012 March 2015 Ive been looking into a particular composite chart, and the moon is almost right on the line of descendant in aquarius (coming from a trine between my sadge moon, and his aries moon), and venus also there in the 7th (mine in aries, his in sadge) with jupiter too! January 2013 I have transiting Pluto square my natal Sun in Aries, opposite Ascendant in Libra; with Neptune conjunct Ascendant. Hi has anyone ever had progressed Jupiter conjunct their progressed ascendant and what happened for you??