The security here comes from a gut feeling, although its not any less real. Your sun in their eleventh You both want friendship and find it in each other, finding an equal in each other. You both really love each other, romantically. You also have the effect of fueling your partners confidence, and to look beyond the drudgery of daily existence, to dream, and to do more. The position of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars should be closely examined in each of the horoscopes, and so should the state of the 1st, 7th, 5th house and their rulers. It shapes the relationship between two persons. You have no idea why youre together. While this configuration will open the door to a potential relationship, it may or may not lead to anything deeper. Chiron in the Eleventh House - In the 11 th House, Chiron teaches the native the meaning of friendships, connecting and the collective. Your partner sees you as a person with whom they can seek agreement and affirmation for their own belief systems. This person may be the "great love of your life." Their memory is likely to stick with you forever, as your relationship has spanned many lifetimes. Their eyes shine with a fiery light, while their mind is often dark and tormented. My (adopted) child has their Sun in my 8th House. If you have the Sun here, your personality is likely extroverted, friendly, loving and resilient. You find them unpredictable. It is simply silly to say the planet person gets the house vibes. The Sun person has been captivated by the eighth house person. In general, Sun in 11th House synastry is a favorable aspect, and the partner can subtly teach you a lot, especially in the area of group work relationships: if you are inclined to take these lessons, of course. This position relates to ones capacity for personal achievement and recognition and social success. Sun in 11th House Synastry Meaning The eleventh house in your birth chart is the area of your friendships. Your partner gets the strong feeling that you are someone with whom he or she can share common pleasures and goals. I go deeper than that here to discuss the effect on both people. This type of relationship works best if youre both committed in an intimate partnership. They are easily moved by emotion and may be subject to severe mood fluctuations. The position of the Sun in the eleventh house suggests they may have a problem with identifying who they actual are because this house opposes the home of the Sun, which is the 5 th House, in the sign of Leo. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. For example, if youre normally only quiet in other relationships, this Sun-in-the-7th relationship will drive you to extreme passivity and silence. ( and I do feel very possessive if someone else seems to be liked by either of them similarly to how they like me but I have a fair bit of pluto natally so I always assume its that.). Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009: posted March 03, 2009 11:44 PM . I cant imagine life without him and I know he loves me. You enjoy making love. It is possible that the natives will be an asset to the company they work for. The attraction on your partners side is most obvious. Apparently I have my Sun, moon, and Mars in his 8th house. Difficult aspects can point to a relationship that is imbalanced, eventually turning into a burden. It is one of the more positive aspects to look at, as it indicates an easy and congenial relationship that wont be full of difficulties. ), The house person may feel obligated to micro-manage parts of the relationship, although they really enjoy the Suns helpfulness. Libra The Sun person sees the 11th house person as someone they can hang out with. 11th house synastry feels like this like love built on friendship; like lovers who are also best friends. Please note that the results displayed by this tool may not be 100% accurate, correct and/or complete and that they are intended solely for general information and education purposes. At this age they will start to travel more, as work allows them. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. For some, this overlay can actually enhance your self-esteem. She has an introverted, reflective nature; she is reserved and shy with people she does not know well, but when she trusts someone, she reveals herself through her passion for philosophical discussions and her scholarly inclinations. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Sun in the 11th house synastry overlay will give us on overview of how our egos interact and how our partners creative expression plays out in our life; whether it inspires us or makes us feel belittled. Synastry: Where Does Your Partner's Sun Fall In Your Chart? Gains through social networking, an ability to influence groups, and working with groups to enact social changes are all found in the eleventh house. He is Capricorn sun, Capricorn moon. With this overlay, there is a strong desire to live together. He fascinated me. Together, you happen to very productive. You stimulate each other mentally. Your group lessons will be of great interest to your partner, and it will always be tempting for them to take the initiative and take part in your corresponding activities. His sun is in my second house so yeah very accurate. The house person will not let go of the other under almost any circumstances. Both people here can feel like their true self when with each other and be able to share their feelings safely, they can almost feel like they have known each other forever. Those with the Sun here are often highly ambitious people who aspire for a distinguished career. In turn, your partners reactions to you make you feel more valuable, recognized, vital, and important. In some way, you help organize your partners life, or vice versa, and want to know the little things that make up their day. That house will be lit up and energized by your partner's solar energy. Be careful not to let this desire for balance degenerate into a tit for tat attitude toward one another. If youre the house person, the Sun person really gets your gears going. There are all kinds of books out there, but not all of whats been suggested works. You are definitely not vague or wishy-washy, however you are open to others' ideas and feelings. It sounds a lot like how our relationship started. Ascendant in partner's 11th house: With first impressions there is a mutual sense of friendship. My child and I are deeply connected. Are kids running around? Or are we dammed? The Secret to Sexual Chemistry is found in our Astrological Sun Signs The Zodiac Signs & Commitment to Relationships Moon Sign Compatibility: The Best Indicator of a Long & Successful Marriage Rising Sign Compatibility & Attraction Rate Your Compatibility Synastry Chart Overlays Elements in Synastry Chart Overlays I notice he tells me more than I think he would like too sometimes, but he is a Scorpio so it could just be that! If youre not intimately committed, youll both find yourselves really stressed out in this relationship. Youre both subconsciously trying to prove that youre your own person separate from the relationship. It may feel like a sacrifice, but some of the best rewards in life require lots of patience. The Sun in the partners 12th house of a synastry overlay creates an atmosphere of mystery in your relationship. At times, they can give the impression that they are somewhat distant from everyone, and at other times that they are overly dependent upon those around them. Your partner sees you as stimulating, particularly on a mental level. Your partner views you as a vehicle through which they can have fun, and perhaps as an ego boost. Youll enjoy talking to each other about the trivial details your day, and you will not find this as boring as other couples may find it. With the 11th house also ruling change and the future, it can show how change is approached and what future we envision. This is a common synastry overlay for marriage. Take this text down and learn basic synastry. When two people come together as friends first, it creates a supportive foundation for any relationship, and this aspect is an indication of one such foundation. The Sun in the 11th House of your birth chart is one of the most auspicious placements possible. You are good sounding boards for each others pipe dreams you encourage them rather than put them down. Although the streams of influence between two people flow through different energy channels, connecting different points of their horoscopes, the Sun with its representation of the ego is one of the principal channels of interaction that needs to be examined. You expand your partners horizons, either mental or physical horizons, or both! By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. They awaken something deep inside you that you never even knew existed. I am also the sun in a friends eight houses he and I are long-distance penpals (my mercury is in his 8th also). For a professional in-depth reading that will also give you remedies and actionable steps to thrive in your love life, check out my Astrology Services. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. The Sun in 11th house synastry overlay is just one of many factors that need to be considered when making a compatibility analysis, but I sincerely hope that this article did shed some light on the dynamics of your relationship. Jealousies and possessiveness can result, and it generally works both ways, though you may display these things more than your partner. Similarly, the planet person enters your birth chart house and perceives you according to the environment of that specific house. Other connections are fabulous but this one is a doozy! This is because they believe in the ability of people to be touched by spirit and lifted into higher states of consciousness. Sun in 2nd house of Astrology - 2nd house represents - your family, family lineage, value, asstes, savings, wealth, what type of food do you like, your food intake, drinking capacity, your vocal cord, speech that is why 2nd house is most important for all singers. This is a somewhat superficial overlay, and if you are looking to be taken more seriously as a partner, check out where your Moon falls in your partners chart. In return, you have a great love for the Sun person. Because the second house is associated with the phrase I want, there is a general sense that there is something concrete to gain through the couples association with this overlay. Maybe because of having Virgo in the 8th so I naturally want to give?). Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology. Natives born with Gemini in Eleventh House want to talk and can find many listeners. Distressed about his moon conjunct my 12th house cusp. You should not take any action on the basis of the information provided by this application as it should NOT be considered as a substitute for your own reasoning or professional service or advice. Indeed, your partner sees you as a true equal and peer. She possesses excellent people skills and is committed to her friends and family. Topic: Sun in 11th in Synastry: Lucia23 Knowflake . You know you shouldnt look, but you look anyway. People with Sun in 11th House may be drawn to careers that focus on education, teaching, or science. I find myself wanting to marry and have children (I used to always be against the idea of having children) but I dont feel this with him. He has witnessed the most intimate and vulnerable parts of me. What starts out as a powerful and natural union might deteriorate into a union comprised of resentment and competitiveness. Sun in your partner's 11th house: You desire your partner's desire for friendship. It is indeed a very mysterious relationship but also feels like a soulmate connection.. There will be no goofing off or making plans behind his back because the Sun in 11th House type can see right through you. A marriage is not impossible with this overlay. You think they dont understand you, nor approve of you. This relationship can be an imbalanced, unequal partnership. He didnt feel like he was smart enough or good enough compared to them. In the birth chart, the Sun represents the center of our personality, just as the Sun is the center of the solar system. I had to find out what it is? Pisces. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Your similar views ensures that the two of you will have a great and enduring friendship. The Suns position in the natal chart by sign, house and aspects creates the fundamental basis of our character, on which all other influences from the other planets are superimposed. Blessings, Hello o have a question i had read before that the Sun Ses th 10th house as a little boy and help thme to achieve their goals and hier you Sad that h will se thenth house in an authoritative way strong one. Your actions will have a profound emotional impact on your partner, as you pull up many emotions in him or her. This person and their energy (astrological or otherwise) has entered your life to teach you something. Never been so in love with someone. However, his sun and venus are in my twelfth house ( and my pluto is in his 12th house) so that may ramp up the obsessiveness he has for me ( i assume). This position offers a wonderful theme of tolerance and acceptance. Saturn person may help House 1 person practice self discipline and restraint. The Sun in 11th house overlay is not a deep emotional overlay, but a positive one nonetheless if other aspects support that, too. With the Sun in 11th house synastry overlay, you are good supporters of each others dreams you encourage them, not suppress them. I have my sun in his 12th house and he has his sun in my 12th house! In fact, you may have met through friends. I can just tell some of the small things I do set him off a bit, like he is really trying to hold himself back, like he is afraid to hurt me. Depending on the individual characteristic of the house person, this overlay can cause them to feel used. Not submissive like a slave, but rather in an organizational way like a boss/assistant relationship. Also check out The True Moon Sign Meaning: Your Hidden Key To. Dont know the positions of your planets? Gemini A natal Sun in the eleventh house means that you were born around 10-11 A.M, when the Sun shines bright. Some tensions can occur with this position, simply because there isnt a feeling of equality in this relationship. Saturn person awakens House 1 person's mature nature. All rights reserved. I wonder what happens with the ones (as me) that have 12th house packed as me Is really bad to have other sun or personal planets in our 12th? I my self was an 8th house stellium woman with sun, mercury, Venus, Saturn in 8th house. The Rahu-friend gives the power, strength, desire, luck and optimism for the future. This overlay can be a confusing one. The Sun person has a vital and magnetic kind of energy that makes them remain close together. I am a very sexual person like sex is our main topic most of the time. Cultural and humanitarian disciplines aside, the interests of the partners lie far beyond the physical and emotional attraction to each other. You are your partner's buddy and comrade, and you fully appreciate spending fun leisure times together. You may have similar philosophies on all kinds of things, ranging from how people should dress in public to how the public school system should be run. There's a mystical feeling about the house person, the Sun partner sees something in the house person may not realize, even if it's against better judgement there's a strong attraction. This is a fun and enjoyable relationship, and there is real love here, but there must be some other synastry connections between the two of you to ensure a long-term relationship. Also check out Why Zodiac Signs Can Mislead You About Love Compatibility. That is for you to decide. You feel like the house person goes about things the right way. It was exactly like that. This overlay gives the rare, and lucky, experience of feeling real pleasure by being with another person. Sun in 10th house personality traits includes hard work, responsible behavior, ambition, natural leadership qualities, and perfection. The main caution here, however, is that the union is so powerful that individual identities can feel as if lostwhere exactly you and your partner start and finish may be quite blurred. By nature I am not a possessive person (strange for an 8H sun native I know) although I can get obsessive about my ideas and thoughts and my mind never seems to shut off (mercury 8H). (See instead: Sun overlays in 8th12th houses.). Profits and gains, earnings, affluence, and wealth - all are considered to be the parts of the 11th house. The Vertex person admires the way the Sun person expresses their identity, which they find inspiring. (esp. When you enter someones home for the first time, you immediately perceive and form expectations based on the surrounding environment. Taurus Because you create a non-judgmental environment, both of you are free to trust each other with regard to any problems or worries you face. You may even consider the house person predictable, but you dont mind it because your relationship also feels right and comfortable. The Eleventh House in Astrology - 11th House in Astrology The Eleventh House represents your capability of making friendships and connections with people around you. The sun in the 12th house indicates that it would be excellent if you show became more sensitive to the thoughts, feelings of not only yourself but others too. They have an amazing ability to draw people to them and the world can be their stage for expression of their talent or skill. Sun in 11th House people are vital and charming, quick to understand and relate. This placement of the Sun signifies success through education, awareness, and humor. Thus, sun in 12th house astrology says that it may be easy to say, but you will become a compassion guru with regular practice. He believes in firm discipline and rules for his household, including time-tables for everyone to follow. The Sun person sees the house person as having good common sense. You (the Sun person) see the house person as a source of pleasure, enjoyment, and delight. The 8H is also about shared resources and marriage and I want to share everything with him, give him all of me. He came into my life when I was in a very bad time in my life. Your relationship usually begins as a friendship, or as friends with benefits.. These traits are a demonstration of the viewpoint that this person has on life and his surroundings. Hence, these two aren't planetary bodies. You think that they see things more clearly than you do. SUN IN 12TH HOUSE SYNASTRY: THE CHALLENGES THE SUN HAS CONTROL This is the most challenging aspect of this relationship. There may be something deeply disturbing, dark, or mysterious about the eighth house person. Theres a level of emotional dependence here that can be scary for both of you. The house person fits your image of authority and everything right and acceptable in society. The Sun person sees in the 11th house person someone, who they can spend pleasant time with. You may feel like an object, or a vehicle, rather than a person, and how you handle your partners dependency on you can make or break the relationship. And here is the main theme of Sun in the 7th house: a love/hate relationship. It is also your professional network and place for achieving status and recognition. The Sun in the partners sixth house of a synastry overlay compels one person to be submissive to the other. However, you may feel that you are an object rather than a person in your partners eyes, or a means to an end. The Sun person energizes your nervous system. Sun in the 11th house denotes a lover of society, refinement and culture. You each feel like the other person is a big presence in your life. The house person gets invigorated by the Sun person. The best thing about this aspect is that no matter how many other problems might crop up in the marriage, these two can always work past them because they like each other on a non-romantic level. Whatever the motivation, they know that what motivates them also motivates other people. The house person arouses this feeling of pleasure in you. I was so surprised because the two of them couldnt be more different, and whatever I found in this friend is not was I would ever be looking for in a romantic partner. Marriage is not impossible with this overlay. Sorry if this is too long, I dont have many people to talk to about these feelings. Check out all articles on Love Compatibility Here as well as our FREE Synastry App, which is pretty accurate in giving you an overview of the long-term potential of the relationship. Moon in 11th House synastry is great for friendly and socially active relationships. So this is how it played for me. Sun in The 11th House You are a humanitarian who believes that everyone should be treated equally. They often have the ability to climb upon ladders of success as they take on leadership roles within their surroundings. Your relationship usually begins as a friendship, or as "friends with benefits." In this relationship, you tend to accept a "no strings attached" arrangement from the beginning. You Light Up My Life: Sun in Houses in Synastry. This is the kind of relationship in which you each do your share of the household chores, and your household runs so smoothly that its the envy of your neighbors. advertisement. If you were born with this solar position, you are blessed with success in all your undertakings, a magnetism that draws others to you, and a wonderful ability to solve problems for yourself and others and make decisions that are well grounded. . The South Node in Synastry November 9, 2012 astrologyanonymous27 When someone's planet or point conjuncts your natal South Node, a past life connection is indicated. If it is also found in an outgoing house, you may not have a very profound impact on your partner emotionally. The Sun is in your Eleventh House of groups and friends, which means you enjoy the company of others, whether accompanying them or attending large parties where there is good food and plenty of alcohol. It is not their 8th house, necessarily. We hate being mad at each other and can never stay away from each other for too long. The Sun unlocks doors to places the 12th house would have preferred to keep buried. The Sun person is wearing rose-colored glasses here, so its likely that youre overlooking the house persons flaws. You feel mentally stimulated, and even smarter, around the Sun person. Were you born with the Sun in the 11th House? You strive to be unique and original, and you make every effort to avoid prejudice and bigotry. The Sun in the partner's 11th house of a synastry overlay creates an atmosphere of friendship between you. This is one of the more powerful overlays in synastry, resulting in a very natural union between two people. The Sun in 11th House attracts, embraces, and loyal partners. But in some cases, it may be absent altogether. That person views the partnership as a profound and intimate connection. This synastry aspect is especially good when it comes to the traditional family unit. You accept each others differences and shortcomings. All descriptions were super accurate. You like their style, appearance, and approach to life. This position promotes a powerful connection. 351w intake manifoldSun in 11th House Synastry Explained. You see them as a person with whom you can enjoy yourself. And vice versa. You (the Sun) believe that they deserve respect and that theyre a great leader. (not saying everything is always easy!) In astrology, the 11th House is a good location for Mars natives. ago. Im Capricorn sun, Pisces moon. Of course, if your Sun is struck and stands in a masculine Sign, your indignation and protest will break out after a while, but still not so quickly, especially if you participate in some group event where the Sun in Eleventh House synastry partner is put over you by the elder: say, you have a kayaking campaign, and he is the commander. Loving, warm, and positive, the energy of 11th House holds connections that last. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The Sun is our vital force, it is the main inner driver that gives us a reason to live on this earth, so it is a central part of the horoscope that shouldnt be overlooked when examining the possible emotional and psychological dynamics of a relationship. The only time Ive been jealous or felt deeply betrayed has been in friendships, but not really romantic partners (probably due to my Pluto in the 11th and my happy, unchallenged Venus in the 7th.). In some cases, you might be very fascinated with your partner, as if he or she marches to the beat of a different drummer. People with their sun in the 11th house are usually interested in things over people. Sun in 2nd house of Astrology. The Mars person in this relationship often brings a very active energy to the table, and can work as a powerful catalyst for their house partner's ambition, drive and sense of adventurousness.Conversely, the house person can help their Mars person direct their willpower and considerable energy in new and fruitful ways. This was spot on for me. For serving types such as Virgo or Pisces types, this will not pose a big problem. Planets in the 11th House. You affect your partner in very deep, even primal, ways. We are both highly plutonic and had many other aspects with us, including the Nord Node on the ASC / DSC axis. Maybe you are delusional cupcake. The house person also feels this bond. Like the yin and yang, love and hate are two sides of the same coin. And I know I will find it very hard when child is an adult and is ready to leave home! May be it can vary to some others. The house person enjoys the admiration and approval from the Sun person. The ability to engage in social interactions with ease, a comforting demeanor when meeting new people, and an optimistic view of life are hallmarks of Sun in the 11th House. You treat each other in a friendly, non-judgmental manner. The Sun has to do with power and authority, so its reasonable to think that these influences will be a little similar. Sun in 1st House Shining Bright With Your Own Light! What does this placement say about your confidence, ambitions, or identity? You are drawn to them, perhaps, out of curiosity.