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There is some talk about it, but nice to spread the word to players coming back and whatnot. ; ; New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Scan this QR code to download the app now. While they have a respectable rating in Elemental Magic, the bulk of their magic usage comes from casting Dark Magic spells. Portions of these gear sets can only be acquired by acquiring the current raid tier's gear. This set is intended for compatibility with the UCoB set and does not require 5. DRK has no Fencer and Last Resort haste doesn't apply to 1h build, so generally your 2h REMA will be better than Loxotic, unless its something like skeletons, where I think they resist slashing by 75% in C and they take bonus blunt damage. Flexibility is the key to Dark Knights usefulness, in general the job struggles to keep up with the best DD jobs like Samurai or Warrior, but people still love to have them around just for the mixture of support and damage. FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd. (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide, VI-2. Otherwise, Dark Knight isnt so bad. Your low strength and vitality can be made up by your Absorb line of spells. Is an extremely useful and underrated support job. Bind (20) & Sleep (30): If you have Enfeebling skilled up this can be useful to cast in weird situations, like a mob link or over pull. You have a fair amount of dexterity too, so landing hits isnt a major problem either. Knight or other tank jobs, while 2.50 requires slightly less effort to keep Drain (10): Dark magic spell that drains HP from the enemy, this is actually a pretty strong nuke and you will use this a lot. Leather Belt+1. Available after completing the Blade of Darkness. Seeing as you don't get hasso till 50, War is your go to sub from 30-49 if you don't need Ninja for defenses. Rather than switching to blunt, the solution to skelleys in Sheol C is to have your White Mage toss a Banishga II after the your tank has gathered the mobs and done a tag. I'm not even a DrK but I just wanted to applaud you for this write-up. This is possibly one of the most trivial quests of all times. CRIT+SKS piece if you wish to run a 2.45 GCD rather than 2.50. Dark Seal - Pretty good one point wonder, this works much like Elemental Seal where it gives you massive magic accuracy bonuses when casting 1 dark magic spell. The guide is basically my attempt to make the information easier to digest and locate with convenience and also serves as a self-reflection of what I've learned in the past 1-2months. Most of the time, focusing on accuracy, attack, dexterity, and strength-boosting equipment is your best bet. It also has a higher damage cap than drain, so you can hit for 400+ damage in max sets. Trade the cherry to the??? Ranger is the sub job of choice before Warrior! Shout group ambuscade/dyna/whatever since sakpatas came out. down to 2.44 GCD in exchange for ~0.5% of your DPS. This set has a lot of personal expression in it. When this works, the scythe will be amazing. Believe it or not, this sub actually starts to work around Lv.30. Anything said here is seriously exaggerated. This is the recommended set for DSR and aligns nicely with each phase. These are all great points. Really comprehensive guide! This set is used against mobs you specifically know will use fire spells/abilities, with this set and some buffs like Barfire/Fire Carol you can reduce the incoming damage to nearly 0. This ability is okay, it's a relatively strong temporary attack boost you can slip in before a big WS. with CRIT+DET on it. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Great Sword becomes a very appealing choice at lv66 for a Drk due to. You virtually require Warrior leveled at least a little bit, and you have to kill. FINAL This page and some of the guides contained are a work in progress. FFXIclopedia is a FANDOM Games Community. Absorb-TP (45): This is a a fun spell, it allows you to steal TP from the enemy and give it to yourself. release. Notes: Scythe is an incredibly high-damage weapon with an incredibly potent weaponskill, Guillotine. I should preface this by saying that category 1 is a mess of a category, and is still highly debated by Dark Knights in discord channels and forums everywhere. It is not the main recommended set as a result, Other pieces have middling use, some are good accuracy swaps, some are good for Apocalypse sets, but overall they don't stand out. gloves with a synced CRIT+DET piece as well is a negligible DPS loss. This is the #1 utility ability that Drk has access to, you can stun giant -aga spells, pecking flurries, lock a mob down so it doesn't Mijin Gakure or Astral Flow, or just stun to let someone get shadows up. Many people remember using Thf as a sub in era in order to drop giant single hit WSes like Spinning Slash with Sneak Attack forcing the WS to critical hit. Two sets, only piece of JSE being +2 neck: How do other DRKs handle Sheol C mobs that resist slashing? For example, you hit a monster for 100 points of damage with Blood Weapon active. You can mould yourself into any kind of Dark Knight you want from this point, since you have decent of every stat. Busy at the moment, maybe tomorrow afternoon. This is the sub you want to have, it may not always be the right choice because Ninja sub offers significantly stronger defenses, but if you can you should sub Samurai. When played correctly you should take almost no damage when subbing Ninja as you can rotate between Utsusemi: Ni and Utsusemi: Ichi for nearly fulltime coverage. I haven't played with some of them, but I've heard/talked about the strengths/weaknesses of each many times. Aeonic Im working on lionheart for my runefencer. available. Haste is by far the most important stat in the game, especially if you are stacking it on top of other haste gear and buffs, so the DPS increase from +10% alone is absurd. Some of the upsides to DRK tank are low cooldown stuns, pretty decent offensive output with Drain2/Drain/Dread Spikes, and probably the highest enmity generation capability of any job. Also most of the time Souleater is either deleting the mob or the mob is unable to act when being attacked via stuns so it doesn't matter if it's facing you. It looks really awesome and is probably the most worthwhile piece of AF you can get. Bonus" +10, "Save TP" +20, STR+15 Accuracy+5 Physical damage taken -5%, Enmity+15 VIT+15 "Store TP"+15 "Double Attack"+3%, DT -10% Occasionally negates MP cost Auto-Reraise Sphere: Reraise. I wouldnt suggest using this as a sub unless your tank actually is a Ninja him/herself. If you can't get an item with Fire Resist, equip whatever your best item is from the MDT set. That's the inevitable direction that comment turns it, though. General substat priority is followed with the exception of two Direct Hit melds This also means that compared to my previous guides, Warrior and Samurai, there is much less black and white to Dark Knight's play style. Both the 2.45 and 2.50 sets are recommended and have near-identical performance. maximum value on both substats. haha well i'm at work atm and i've yet to unlock it i'm sure i have a decent amount of gear for it from other jobs or can get it atleast. haha yeah i know. From 20-30 this sub will offer you a small Accuracy Bonus (+10) as well as Sharpshot that increases your ranged accuracy for spamming crossbow bolts which you should be doing at that level. Direct Hit, and two Direct Hit IX replaced with Det (or one each of Direct Hit This comes from years of playing around with Scythes and Great Swords at different points of the games life. It's not a lot of PDT like Sam and Mnk can get, but it might save your life from a 1 shot Eagle Eye Shot or something so I'd recommend having it. to spawn a notorious monster. Meld one Critical Enmity is the only stat that matters, just swap this in before using Souleater/Last Resort to spike your enmity even higher. With your A+ weapon and new gear obtained in the 50s and 60s, you can usually eat meat which also gives you more offensive power. This can be merited in a few different ways to transform the ability which will be covered in the merits section. by the community as UWU. Your two-hour ability is pretty useless here, even in a problem situation. He will then send you to a Galka named Mighty Fist in the Darksteel Forge. What about the club that hits eight times per hit! Third Eye, acquired at Lv.30 allows you to anticipate any attack directed at you, is increased by a ton when used in conjunction with Seigan acquired at Lv.70. These sets are specifically for The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate), mainly for those already accustomed to playing at faster speeds and who are less As mentioned in the Blood Weapon paragraph, this can be combined with that ability for some crazy shit. Please note: This is only a guide. Because much higher ilvl gear is required to cap out both substats on FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd. (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide. This is also the sub job you will use for any tanking. Knight. If you do not have a Bozjan resistance relic weapon, simply use any weapon It reads like a seasoned veteran gently mentoring you. Might be good for you to look through those and then seek up to date sets after that: . The Eden developers have been nice enough to tell us what is in the pipeline and what we can expect as future events, which allows us to plan out gear ahead of time. Does Armadaberk really come ahead in that many situations? Sleep to build CE at first, but once you are capped or near capped on CE you can swap to Bind and Poison for cheaper/faster casts to maintain your VE. As with the 2.50 set, you can run a slightly faster speed for comfort at the Unfortunately, youd be better off with the Scorpion Harness at that level, and at Lv.59, you'll be wearing the Haubergeon body piece. On the other hand, only the dark-based spells of a Dark Knight are useful most of the time. boosts to your damage. GCDs over the whole fight vs 2.45. Lot to digest here, but I appreciate that level of detail very much. Determination. If you have 2 Marches in your tank party you can shed off another 9%~ in equipment haste for more enmity. Back Piece. Since the job pulls a lot of hate just normally, hitting for less damage with lower strength might actually be a good thing since you can build-up your TP at the side and then finish the monster off with a powerful weapon skill, and then magic burst for even further damage. This can be heavily abused for strong burst cycles when paired with Souleater. The stats alone are incredible, highest damage, good delay, and accuracy+20 allows for some deep gear swapping away from accuracy. is also provided for those who aren't comfortable with very slow speeds, but it the other pieces are just examples; any gear above the optimal sync threshold Dark Knight Guide 2022 Dream Ms Guide is not entirely linear in progression, some parts of the lower sections will supplement knowledge of the earlier sections i.e APQ from the Money Making Section will supplement levelling via apple roar from 108-174. I want to make it clear that I do not hate Caladbolg or Torcleaver, though I do get mad when Torc decides to miss. Plus, if you party with a Paladin, theres almost no way he or she is going to lose hate to you, so you can just go absolutely nuts. Hidden Bonus: Increases physical accuracy too. I would not take the time to cast these spells instead of hitting the mob, the extra STR or DEX generated is not even close to worth the casting time wasted. A Dark Knight without any Haste equipment and Str/Acc for weapon skill will deal as low as 50% the damage of a fairly well equipped Dark Knight with at least 15% haste in his equipment set. Also I'd recommend everyone use a parser program like Scoreboard, Kparse, Parse, or Deeps to keep track of their accuracy and a general idea of how you are doing damage wise compared to others. Guides are written by players, based upon their experiences, successes and mistakes, and are meant to aid other players. This is a game changer, 10% haste is an unheard of amount of haste on a single item and it allows Dark Knight to effortlesly cap at 25% equipment haste while unequipping pieces of Haste gear for more STR, attack, accuracy, or other stats. I recommend having 3 different TP sets you use, for Low, Mid, and High Accuracy totals. Good luck sir! DRK_2022_Guide_V2 (1).docx. These substitutions are shown on the weapon and earring, respectively, but can Dark Knight Guide 2022 Dream Ms Guide is not entirely linear in progression, some parts of the lower sections will supplement knowledge of the earlier sections i.e APQ from the Money Making Section will supplement levelling via apple roar from 108-174. There's so much useful info in hereespecially for new players. loses around 1.5% total damage output compared to the other sets. Dread Spikes (71): The coolest and most fun "spikes" ability in FFXI, Dread Spikes once cast causes you to drain HP from the enemy every time you're hit equal to the damage the mob does to you. Offline. A 2.40 GCD set Of course, if things look grim, nothing is stopping you from pulling out a one-handed Axe before using the ability, although that really depends on your skill with it. using synced CRIT+DET gear with enough CRIT+SkS pieces to reach your desired GCD This spell also generates very high amounts of Enmity and can be used as a way to get snap hate. Thank you Kylos :) ya I have an afterglowd ragnarok and a 119 apoc already. I just skimmed through it really *i dont play drk myself really* but i found it weird that Vbody wasnt mentioned at all. You can check your stats under an item level 375 With an "E" in the skill, it's really not very useful in parties, but for soloing it's a great idea to have. The spell only lasts 1 minute, so it can be frustrating to use, but when timed correctly is exceptionally rewarding. I mean, a Dark Knight using a puny little club. Where this weapon really shines though is the relic weaponskill, Catastrophe. Starting with your AF boots at Lv.52, the only good thing about them is the Mind stat. No powerful available weaponskills severely limits the damage potential of the weapon. are subject to change as more options are explored and more gear becomes My caladbolg is at level 90 already so Id just be doing the fun plate farming. The weapon, hands, feet, earring, neck, and wrist listed must be exact, but However, subbing Ninja in end-game is widely overrated because of the Utsusemi. It looks really cool, and is really awesome. Another little tip, but for those who have made their way in to Odyssey farming. and Critical Hit replaced with Determination). This set has 407 accuracy with Hasso and Hume DEX. These three specific GCD speeds are chosen because they align well with 60- With an enormous boost to strength, dexterity, accuracy, and attack power, it's one of the best things you could ever have. Other than the gloves, This comes at 6.3). Absorb-STR, DEX, and TP are great spells that can help boost either stat where you need it most. I currently have 117 gear/weapons and I was searching some things up. Later on Sturmwind is a very powerful 2-hit WS and can really put the hurt on mobs; also because it's multi-hit it synergizes very well with Souleater. weapon from the fight, use it with Direct Hit melded in the third slot. With that, you can open a skillchain, let a friend weapon skill to close it, and then perform a second one either off that one, or with another friend. Yes, Flamma +2 boots will come out ahead. Well, it's possible for Dark Knight to solo Neak (half bragging, half just wanting to tell someone because I'm so pumped): Well, it's possible for Dark Knight to solo Neak (half bragging, half just wanting to tell someone because I'm so pumped). Also check the general/widget tips. Some Dark Knights favour Scythe, some favour Great Sword; each has their own advantages and disadvantages and both are very capable. See the Zerging section for more information on this playstyle. Twitch: brought to you by the "Real Rosa" RosafarrelliCheck him out overe here: . so i'ma try Drk out. Tredecim Scythe - This scythe is bad..currently. the only piece with IX materia in it. about ~0.4% DPS output but adds some wiggle room in execution. Endark effect. The only thing you have to worry about is AoE magic, which will instantly clear your Utsusemi and do full damage, and some AoE weaponskills which can pierce shadows or clear certain amounts of them. BiS sets do; the damage difference in this case is only about 0.4%. Now lets say, for example you deal that same damage, have 1000 HP, and use Souleater. slot won't overcap on Skill Speed as a result, indicated by red text in the One thing is true though, no matter what you dont forget the Dark Knights you do see in the world of Vanadiel. In theory this puts out good white damage, but white damage alone doesn't make up for the huge lack of WS damage you will have with this weapon. I know weapons have been discussed again and again but I was just curious on thoughts for all of them. and head. The biggest reason for this is the ability Hasso, which is a 100% uptime +10% Haste, +10 Accuracy, and +5 Strength. Just check the set I posted a while back. Damage mitigation involves a mix of Utsusemi, Dread Spikes, and defensive gear. This section will lay out specific best-in-slot gear configurations for Dark Does anyone have a set for these club WS's? Allot no more than 127 points into each substat for If you are not at full HP this simply works as a normal drain spell, so make sure to be capped off on HP in order to gain the bonus max HP. At Lv.20 Ranger becomes an acceptable sub job due its +10 accuracy bonus. Scythes and Great Swords two arent the only weapons Dark Knight can do well with. Contents 1 Notes 2 Dark Knight Equipment Chart Notes I don't even get it sometimes. It also gives a huge amount of hate - 1300 Volatile Enmity which is about 2/3rds of a Provoke. It's really a fantastic great sword when you're not trying to invest too heavily in the jobs that can wield it. Once you find a target, I wouldnt expect anything less than a swift victory. This set would have 23.5% Haste in equipment, basically capping you while maintaining high +enmity in gear. . Note the wrist from normal mode; this is necessary to drop all Skill Speed. Nyzul Isle will add the Askar set which to be honest is not super good, the hallmark piece is the Feet which completely outclass Darksteel Leggings +1 for PDT and Coral Leggings +1 for MDT. Also like Warrior, many are simply not practical for general usage. Traveler's Mantle. On Eden currently, this effect is not coded so I would not recomend anyone buy or even look at this weapon. FINAL Weapon Grade: A+ helm. Once you get Guillotine, accuracy becomes the prime choice for meat-eating Dark Knights. (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide: Quetzacoatl: 6120: 982748: 3 weeks 4 days. Ground Strike is very fearsome at 300% TP and with the Thief subjob, in fact both of the principle weaponskills of Great Sword stack with Sneak Attack fearsomely. The DPS requirement for the encounter is I can't wait to check out the rest of your videos. Weapon Grade: B- For more information, please see our Thanks Carrot, that is helpful. Dont rely on it to save your hide until Lv.30 comes around. Using the Kraken Club with Souleater and your two-hour ability active can deal the most ludicrous damage in the entire game. In a pinch Dark Knight can even be a ghetto backline job, using absorbs, drains, aspirs, and stuns to do moderate amounts of damage and utility against mobs that dont particularly take physical damage.