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They reject the efforts of the many who spiritually interpret the Scriptures, placing hidden or specially revealed meanings to the words of the Bible. I should have or you should have? The cause is clear. If only people would study more to know the voice of their Savior, there would be no one to follow the false teachers. They were just outside of the resort area on the beach at night and were stopped by a group of policemen. The natural question then to ask is, What makes a person a true Baptist? In examining the history of Baptists and determining what makes up a genuine and true Baptist, five distinctives should be noted. Also, you keep mentioning Jesus statement about not leaving tithing undone. Please elaborate, Should have said of course no singing with musical accompaniment.. Yes we only use KJV (I perosnally like it better myself because I like the Shakespeareanesque vernacular versus modern but thats a personal choice). I am not trying to be overly critical and yet I only have a certain amt of time to get to my points and while doing that I often come across that way, so forgive me. Secessionism is the gross error of Catholicism. Greek Orthodox Churches; Unity Churches; Lutheran Churches; Eastern Orthodox Churches; Questions/comments: Pastor Brewer's email: The ordinance of baptism, or 2. This church was not founded on a man, but on the Bible. Thank you for the article, for your love for the King of all Kings. When people ask me what church I am a member of, I always tell them the Heavenly Church, wherever and whoever that is. An interesting read. By 400 AD, the Emperor Theodosius had declared Christianity the only state religion of the Roman Empire. We are looking for passionate defenders of the faith and offer a viable alternative to New Evangelical and compromising mission boards. I also believe that hanging around with non-Christians is detrimental to ones faith as I have done this. 4:11) or leader of the congregation. Nope, dont see that. 4.) BTW, my Church of Christ neighbor and I were good friends, and looked out for each other. Benedict states that the English Roman Catholics in 1535, put to death twenty two Baptists for heresies. This site and others consistently speak about folks that follow and uplift man, in my faith I want only to lift up the God-man!! He was heavily fined and then imprisoned. Thus, resolving to follow the Lords commands in truth, in March, 1639 he formed the first Baptist church on American soil. In 1663, Charles II, gave the colony a royal charter and it read: Our royal will and pleasure is, that no person within the said colony, at any time hereafter, shall be in any wise molested, punished disquieted, or called in question, for any differences of opinion in matters of religion, and do not actually disturb the civil peace of the said colony. The heading of the website is true. She is not shunned. The more and more that I looked into it and studied the scripture, I realized not only were they wrong they were *completely* wrong about tithing, in fact, they didnt have a clue, and this was the standard teaching throughout the IFB. However, history does not record even one Anabaptist group or church becoming or founding a Baptist church. You CANNOT be loving either if you are refusing to render unto the Lord that which is his, and this includes tithing. Many Protestant denominations still hold to the writings of their church fathers as a source of church doctrine and have never accepted the Bible as their sole source of teachings for their faith and practice, which is a foundational teaching of Catholicism. The point is Jesus not only did not condem it but He said it should not have been left undone. 5. I do hope that your eyes will be opened up soon because keeping the law will not grant you entrance into heaven. A storm of persecution broke out because these Baptist preached what the Puritans called damnable errors. Most of the members of the church were fined or imprisoned or both, at one time or another. Im made of dirt, but God is gonna let my neighbor go to Hell because the dirt-clod next door didnt give him a Chick tract!! KJB,UNAFFILIATED. Through preaching the New Testament, the Gospel went forth in power and the Baptist movement grew rapidly. 6.) Im calling into question yourreasoning as to why you are defending your belief about tithing. The first is the United Church of Christ and secondly is the one I refer to, Independent Churches of Christ. How can you not see that? Independent Church. But we need YOUR help to make this project successful! Found you after all this time!!! You want to point out that you think that I have anger issues, but have a look at your comments, I dont see awhole lot of love dripping off of your comments either. So far newere at IFB church (if is is refered to as one by a IFB site think) & has not as far as I know been told must. (I do love acapella singing, btw.). Robert Fry - Pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Plattsburgh, NY Deception; 75. I am Presbyterian and we had a discussion on Christian doctrine. There are hundreds of archaic words that I have no idea what they mean and then you have words that have actually changed meaning since the KJV was published like conversation, to me that means to talk with someone, not in the KJV, it means behavior, prevent is another one, to me it means to stop someone from doing something, not in the KJV, it means to precede. They loved the Lord and many of them gave their lives and fortunes for the sake of Christ. Soul liberty is a belief that everyone is responsible to God individually. Those soldiers they so casually curse gave their life so that these wannabe BLM or ANTIFA buttinskies could spew their hate at those who defended their freedoms. BEREAN BAPTIST CHURCH. I see through to the intensions of this site. Most of the Anabaptists successors became the Mennonites, Amish and Quakers. Lynne, This church had no ties to anyone or any other church, yet this was a Baptist church as much as any Baptist church ever was. The Puritans were in control of the colonies and in fact had set up a theocracy in which the Puritan church governed both secular and religious affairs. People who study dont fall so easily for false teaching. Our pastor has NEVER once insinuated that the church ought to obey him. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day. Make no mistake though baptism will never save anyone! When and Where Was the First Recorded Baptist Church in History, The Beginnings of the Baptists in America,,, You Might Be an Independent Fundamental Baptist if, Broad Stroking and Sweeping Generalizations Fallacy, Harold Camping Fails to Predict the Rapture, The 10 Commandments of the Independent Fundamental Baptists, 92-Year-Old Woman Kicked Out of Church for not Tithing. This was the first time in the history of the world that a government was established which granted religious freedom! 7) divorce as the unpardonable sin you can be forgiven if you kill someone, or if you have been saved from a homosexual lifestyle, but God help you if you have been divorced, they will still let you come to the meetings but you have to set on the back row. Today we are excited to announce Independent Baptist Churches. Independent Baptist Directory of Churches. I hope Im helping him in his faith journey. When the Roman Emperor declared Christianity the religion of Rome, he in mass converted hordes of pagans which made up the Empire. We believe in salvation by grace through faith as described in Ephesians 2:8-9. Our Pastor teaches that Baptism does not save us and is no a requirement of salvation. Greg, As for being responsible to share the gospel with those whom God has put in our path; our daily life should show we are different by our character and the way we live. Listening To The Critics A Response To James Ach, 56. I still attend a tiny (20-30 on Sunday) Baptist Church, and yes it is IFB. A tithe was to be given by Jews under law to a levitical priest and as far as I can tell, it was always a product from the land, be it animals or some sort of plant life. Im not saying thats the case only sharing my experience & by Gods grace I have done so I believe. We are a local New Testament church reaching the Phoenix area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If I were asked to compare the church I attend with another denomination that I knew about. I can certainly forgive you. I dont understand the context of your comment. And that homeless man that shows up every few weeks may have truly accepted Christ in the past, but events of life led to his downward spiral. A preacher told me once we were not to judge, but that we were to be fruit inspectors. Some IFB are good fellowships, some Plymouth Brethren Open) are good fellowships..etc. The connection with past churches for the modern Baptist is not the name, but rather their doctrine and practice. The Baptist church that I attend used the entire Bible, all 66 books. I understand all that. when the apostle Peter was fishing he stripped and was naked while he was fishing (John 21:7). (Hebrews 4:15-16 and 10:19-22) Despite his views he was made the pastor of the church in Salem. Also, those who God draws will come to Christ and believe in Him. We use our monetary resources alone. Patrick was born in Scotland in 360 AD and sold into slavery at age sixteen and carried to Ireland. How many people are in churches were the pastor is unaccountable? In 1539 thirty one more who had fled to Holland were apprehended and martyred there. Praise the Lord she started going back to church recently. The New Testament teaches the absolute autonomy of each local church who is to govern itself as the Word of God instructs free from outside authority and control. 1. If I wanted to wear a sponge bob costume while leading worship I probably would not be allowed to do this in most Churches. I am divorced, and I always sit in the front rows. 53, Cornhill, 1813, Fundamental Baptist CD ROM Library, 1701 Harns Rd. The true Independent Fundamental Baptists have no association or fellowship with these churches because they teach or practice things contrary to the New Testament. (Quote from Dr. J. M. Carrolls booklet The Trail of Blood) These historians, in an attempt to show an unbroken line of Baptists in history, have embraced groups which were clearly not doctrinal sound. These churches were missions minded and formed schools to train preachers and missionaries. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); //