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Im thirteen and I will not be able to be baptized because my parents are not christian. You can trust Him. How did you find me? The Sacrament of Baptism in the Catholic Church - Learn Religions I hear you. John 1:10 He was IN the world, and the world WAS MADE BY Him, and the world knew Him not. People will definitely be in Hell. If youve already been baptized, theres nothing wrong with getting wet againespecially in a new community. Thanks! I loved my Grandpas, and I hope theyre in Heaven when I get there. This may sound weird and I actually recently found someone with the same gift( as we like to call it) as me but ever since I was younger I dreamt of judgement day. Take a moment to read my article Is Christianity about Being Good?. Yes, the Bible tells of a number of times that angels appear as human beings. I invite your comments on my opinions no matter which side you fall on ( agree or disagree). One songwriter put it this way, and I believe its true: If you love me, you will love the church. All through the Gospels, Jesus refers to Himself as the Bridegroom, and to us as the Bride. Closely following Mormonism or Catholicism will not save anyone. There are certainly earthly consequences for sinning addiction, disease, depression, broken relationships, imprisonment, and so on but going to Hell isnt one of those consequences. Bible says, If we didnt get the holyspirit annointing, we cant go heaven. 2 Hell. Hes still working in you, even when you cant see it and cant understand it. We have to TRUST God. My dead twin sisters are my guardian angels. Its important to get the command right, or our assessment is likely to be off. The goal isnt to agree with each other, Therese. This is not a wise position to take. The Holy Spirit will do a lot of that on the inside of us, and you should always listen to Him. Im scared and Idk know what to do. If youre confident that the chair will support your weight, thats belief, not trust. It sounds like being in Heaven will be less awesome than being here, doesnt it? Find someone. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Romans 10:9-10. I could be wrong, but you should trust yourself. No thanks. The way you phrased your question tells me that youve misunderstood the nature of Christianity. As my knowledge was limited and I didnt have a community, I was also not aware of all my sins, so I didnt really change my lifestyle. What youre describing is very common. Second, thanks for commenting. These things would not be true if the Father, Son, and Spirit were all Jesus, as Gina and others claim. The Bible makes it clear that there is only one God. And yes, it did create some more questions. Im so very confused and worried. I wish no parent had to suffer in this way. Are you suggesting that you and I should be buried like Jesus in this way? She said, I already asked him last year, and we talk about church sometimes. Acts 13:38-39, Therefore no one will be declared righteous in Gods sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin. " There are two forms of punishment in the afterlife. I really respect you. I always work to be better. She said yesthat was the devils beat. If the rapture were to happen, would I be saved with my Grandmother and other friends & family? That doesnt mean that He likes everything, obviously. Everybody has sinned. You should believe Him, and seek Him. Theres nothing wrong with liking someones music. The first converts to Christianity were Jewish, and knew exactly what convert baptism was for: to show the community of faith that you have decided to follow Jesus. I have a few thoughts about this. Ive just finished reading Cold Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace. Some are confused, not understanding that the Son is God, because well, Hes the Son. Be patient. Does that make sense? For these reasons (and more) I dont use the name Lucifer to refer to the devil. Before He died, Jesus taught us about His kingdom, about how we should live, and about Heaven and Hell. I can try to be the right person, but I will fail on my own. Baptizing a dead person just gets them wet. Tell her that youre worried about her, and that you want to be together forever. But I never been baptized and never really had the chance to. Before you came to GodWords, you had no relationship with me. I realize that this might be an old thread but after reading through all of these answers and your post there was something that struck me. God made the world; therefore this clearly states that God and Jesus are One. God has already spoken in His Word, and thats enough. I have a question. How can we have a meaningful relationship with a person that we barely know, and that we misunderstand? Yes Baptism is a requirement, Even when Jesus came to John the Baptist , John Baptist Jesus ! The second thing I want to say is that you clearly dont understand the Scriptures. For personal reasons. 2 Corinthians 5:14 tells us that when Jesus died, its as if we all died. His love is unconditional. Dont stop writing letters to God. Thats God, living in you. If what most of the people state is true about this particular situation. Unbaptized infants go to heaven. The Bible explains this: we share some of Gods character, which is why we can be so incredible but we often choose to do things our own way, on our own, for selfish reasons. When you die as a Reborn Christian, where does your spirit go then? As long as your church has all of these important parts right: Yeah, thats probably it. Im not putting all of this on you. Then their corpses rot and fertilize the ground. Without that, youre just blowing smoke. When you are able to both obey your parents and obey God, be baptized. So I have 2 questions: Should Christians listen to secular or non-christian music? THE FATHER IS GOD I also understand in my heart that Jesus Christ saved us all, sinners and saints alike. I mean, sure, they can control weather or not they should engage in the sexual act. I never was able to finish it once I realize that it was another judgement day dream so I would force myself to wake up. So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Some of Her greatest Saints have disagreed on this issue: St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, for example, came to different conclusions. I also reject the concept of purgatory. Let me try to encourage you a bit. The most sacred heart of gods only son created before all time came to earth as man and we are told by the witnessed he endured the most brutal of atrocities ever been done to the son of man for all our sins and disobedience. If Jesus died for all our sins, then what is the limit of human sin? If you have vomiting along with diarrhea, you lose even more fluids and minerals. You dont need to become a formal member of a local congregation unless you want to play a part in things like voting on leaders. Yes I do agree many still do not agree with each other on what happens to your your spirit when you die, which I accept, we will only know the day we die, that is how I feel. Seriously. God is just. Baptism is not a spiritual act. Catholic Church buries limbo after centuries | Reuters Ask Him to help you, and He will. I want to know if god loves me or not. Thanks for that I have a neughbour that believes in oneness pentecostalism and he tries to make me believe him..i mean at some point it seems that hes talking the right thing. God has already given us some helpful information on how to live well. Well Tony I truly feel my grandsons are in heaven right now. Im writing an email to you as well, so you have my contact info. I keep praying for guidance but I cant hear anything. Its hard to even imagine what Hes like, since we have nothing on earth we can compare it to. And we know from verse 1 that the Word WAS God. And god bless you. Here are five theories that are typically proposed to answer this question: T heory #1: Limbo or the State of Natural Beatitude This is the position endorsed by the Popes and Doctors of the Catholic Church. Well, then youll want to learn what this amazing life looks like. The point is that I understand your desire to stay here. CHRISTIANITY I will do anything I can to help you be less confusedall you have to do is ask. I promise. Do you think I should be baptized again now (age 31)? Very few really understand what theyre getting into when they decide to submit to God. Thats why Jesus said I and the Father are one because they are. Thank you for your response. Fever. 1) On the one hand, there is no positive suffering for the babies, or they have no personal guilt. We all want to hear from Him, but we seldom do. Thanks Tony for taking the time to answer so many questions over the years. It is at that point that the unrighteous will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life. That doesnt change its meaning. I do know that he seems to fit Pauls description of a false teacher. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us. He answered, Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. It is the punishment of everlasting damnation. When we say that the forgiveness of sins in Acts 2:38 has two parts first repentance, then baptism were reading the passage outside its original context. If we read John 3 carefully, we can see that Jesus is drawing a parallel. This brought about a few changes in their lives. When we do that, God does something in us. Children who have not reached this age of accountability will get into heaven because God does not lay the guilt of their sin upon them. If you need help finding a good church in your area, send me an email and tell me what town you live inIll help you look. I hope he is. Instead, baptism is primarily identifying with Jesus death and resurrection, and doing it publicly to declare your allegiance to God. The ancient Israelites baptized converts to Judaism. If you do a study of ALL of the verses in the New Testament about how one can be saved something I heartily recommend you will see that some mention baptism and some do not. Im happy that you want to be discerning about which church(es) to associate with. Do you feel like the church your parents take you to is as waste of time, and that youd rather be serving God more seriously than they are? God will change you from the inside out to be the person you were always meant to be. This is known as modalism, where the one God reveals Himself in three different modes, like fitting Himself differently into different situations. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. At times things will be very, very difficult but that doesnt mean it wont also be good at the same time. There are plenty of other good places to learn more about God and how He wants us to live, but those will give you a great head-start. When we confess our sins that is, when we go to God and tell Him that we are sorry for what weve done He will forgive us. We have all chosen, at least at first, to do things our own way. Our neighbors had a Bible study in their home, and the lady suggested that my mom ask my dad if he wanted to come. We would hang out a bit, get to know each other, maybe become good friends. The number of sins youve committed has absolutely nothing to do with whether you go to Heaven. Augustine's Earliest Thoughts on the Salvation of Infants I had it almost every night and the setting never changed. We should not place our hope in our feelings, which may changewe should place our hope in Gods character, which He has revealed to us. I was so scares if we didnt go to heaven like what im hoping for.. It does not matter whether you think this passage is literal or figurative. Let me know if theres more I can do for you. We know we have a relationship with God in exactly the same way we know we have a relationship with anyone! Everything that happens each day is because Christ already laid it out before the foundation of the world. Reading the Bible will help you trust God better, since youll understand Him and His plan better. Thanks for writing! My responsibility is to help them learn what the Bible says, and to try to help them understand it. Contents show. He loves you, LaAsia. We dunk fabric in water and dye, and pull it up to see if the fabric has changed color. So, the caring person who wants nothing to do with God gets their wishand the hateful, terrible person who wishes to change and be forgiven and to do things Gods way also gets their wish, and will be in Heaven. I wont be able to help that, it might just happen. We must have faith and follow the rules that of which God has put forth and listed. Sometimes, things can be very confusing. It would be pretty dumb to say I dont like to sing, so I guess I wont go to Heaven when I die, wouldnt it? Wow am in love with this site. You are born again. Then we went back to the pastor and told him that NOT ONE SINGLE VERSE said what the lessons claimed. Their claims are often given a second glance because we cant really understand how three persons can be one God, but its clear that the three are not one another, even though there is only one God. I was taught we must be baptised by water for the holy ghost to come upon us to teach us and free us from sin. Very likely, youll feel this way again (and again) as you continue to grow and study. If it did, we could just make a checklist of things to do, and things to not do, that would make sure we get to Heaven. Amen. That doesnt sound like fun, but you can trust Gods decisions. In the minds of most in our culture, sex is virtually as important as having shared values. Sin is wrong. Im the church. If not, let me encourage you to write back so I can help you understand a little better what Jesus said. A woman has heart trouble, and doctors install an external pacemaker. As for your sins, welcome to the club. There are two sides to answering whether you were saved before. those of us who came later and inherited this world were born into sin and our heritage is the unforgiven disobedience and sins of our ancestors. One sign of maturity is the ability to separate our feelings from the facts. What will happen to my disabled son when I die? - BBC Belief is all that affects condemnation though. Music is good. Christ died once and we will only have one true baptism once we understand its power and its call to alive to God in Christ. They dont love me. True story. Its available to everyone, at any time. You are born again. Thats not a teacherthats a troublemaker. I had just begun reading the bible and I did believe in Jesus however I am not certain if I fully grasped the meaning of salvation and the trinity. Oneness Pentecostals substitute their own teaching for the clear witness of Scripture. This is silly superstition, to be sure. The question is whether He could have sinned. Were actually changed. 1. If youd like to give, feel free to contact me. Both have probably forgotten more about the Bible than you or I have learned so far. The Confusion is: Ill be happy to change my mind, retract my articles, and publish new articles that agree with you if you can show me. Does that mean homosexual behavior is okay with God? Its a misguided attempt at helping, and it virtually never actually helps. If youre living at home, and are basically subject to your parents authority in almost everything, you should probably discuss the situation with them. I have no way of knowing that. You never know, so give it a shot. You will be surprised at who is and isnt in Heaven when you get there. Dont spread your dreams, which might be only for you. They have minds, memories, emotions, wills, consciences, morality, movement, can talk, etc. He left the conclusions up to you and me. To help me get in touch with him? Id like to think that Justice is based on much more than devotion, but I dont feel I have the right judging others Its not my place. >> The baptism talked of is controversial. It was used as a slur in the very beginning, and its often used as a slur today. The Bible was, is and always will be the infallible Word of God. Hell say to you and me, Well done, good and faithful servant. If youre not born again, judgement day will be pretty scary. He will judge us based on what we do know. Cornelius and his whole household werent baptized, yet they were saved. Most Pentecostals believe the Bible's descriptions of a lake of fire, of burning, gnashing of teeth and the "worm that doesn't die" should be interpreted literally and used to warn . Nobody is forced to agree with me, either in fact, time after time, I tell people to NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR ANYTHING. Can a person be saved if they are not baptized, not Catholic and don't go to church. The first punishment of Gehenna is eternal. We should not expect everyone to meet our standards. That doesnt mean that just any church will do, but that we should make sure that our criticisms (yes, I have plenty as well) are both valid AND gracious.